Chapter 11

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Maple - my friend. Or at least, the girl that had pretended to be my friend - marrying my half-brother? What was she thinking - what was going on?

Was this part of her plan - betray me and then in the future become the Queen? Or was she being forced to? My head started aching. All I could hear was the sound of her name.

"They say the maid is unwilling," Birch added, glancing down at the paper once more.

Then she was being forced. But why?

"You know her," Aiden said. I glanced up to find his eyes dark, calculating.

"She is - she was my friend," I breathed.

Birch pressed his lips together. Arden's brows furrowed.

"It's a trap," Aiden said. I looked at him, seeing the understanding light up his eyes. "The Queen thinks you'll come to save you friend - she wants to capture you. Or a rebel."

"She's doing this to lure me out," I breathed. It was perfect. As much as I hated to admit it, Ivy knew me. She knew that I'd never leave Maple like that.

"But what are we going to do about it?" Arden asked. "Are you going to rescue her?"

"We have to," I said. Maple, whatever she had done - she'd helped me. She'd brought me bandages, salves for the pain, snuck me food, helped me laugh, wiped my tears.

I wouldn't leave her.

"We can't risk it," Aiden said sharply.

I glared at him. How could he even think of leaving Maple - or any girl - to Forreston like that? I knew firsthand what he'd do to her. "We have to save her."

Aiden exhaled, "Maybe we do. But we can't drop everything and go."

"When is the wedding?" I asked, turning to Birch.

"Very soon - three days from today," he answered.

I sucked in a breath, biting my lower lip. Was Ivy planning to hold the wedding as soon as she could arrange for everything she needed?

"If we're doing something, we need to do it soon," Aiden said, "What are the advantages of getting her out?"

I turned to him, eyes wide. "The advantages? You won't rescue her because she's being forced into marriage with a horrible man?"

"We'll be risking our own people. I want to know what we'll get out of it," Aiden said, staring deep into my eyes.

I scoffed. I couldn't believe it. How could he be so indifferent to another elf's plight? "Well, she will be helpful. She's a maid. She knows about the castle, the guards' rotations."

"We know that. We have spies," Aiden said, pursing his lips.

"She might know of some of Ivy's plans - she knows where the secret passages are, and I'm sure she knows which of the servants dislike Ivy. She might be able to help you recruit more soldiers."

"That's enough, Aiden," Birch said sharply, "And Princess, we will save her. I'll meet with the leaders to decide who will go. We can't risk a large group." I allowed myself to take in a breath.

"I'll go," Arden suggested.

I blinked at him. Why was he volunteering?

"What?" Aiden cried, his nonchalant veneer slipping. Shock lined his face as he gaped at his twin.

Arden only shrugged. "Aid went last time, it's my turn now. You said we were good enough to start going on missions," he said, looking at Birch.

Birch sighed. "I'll talk to the others...let's see what they say." He didn't look happy, but of course he wouldn't. He was letting his son walk into danger for my friend.

"What about Mom?" Aiden asked. He seemed to have accepted that Arden would go.

"You two tell her now," Birch said. He stood up and walked to the door, throwing a glance at us before walking out.

Aiden gave me an accusatory look. Arden grimaced, glancing between the two of us. "I'm telling Mom," he said, walking out. Aiden glared at me some more, fingering the knives at his waist. Finally, he huffed and walked outside, slamming the door behind himself.

I sighed. It wasn't my fault that Arden had offered to go. I turned and walked back to my room, passing a slightly ajar door on my way. Inside were Arden, Grove and Meadow. He was obviously informing them of the development.

I walked away, to my room, locking the door behind myself. The tiredness from the morning was finally turning my bones to stone, and I laid on the bed.

I couldn't sleep, but at least I was getting some rest. When the knock on the door sounded, I unlocked it, coming face-to-face with Aiden.

He was sweating, his clothes damp, and his body reeking. I took a step back, and his eyes darkened. "These should fit you. Change, and then come outside." He thrust a bundle of clothes in my hands and stalked away.

I glanced down. He'd given me a shirt and pants, made of rough cloth. I'd seen females training in these, but of course, I'd never been allowed. I locked the door and pulled the clothes on. They were as comfortable as the gowns I wore.

I walked outside, out the back door, where Aiden was waiting.

He glanced up as I walked to him, his eyes flicking over my body once before returning to my eyes. "I'm supposed to teach you how to use a sword properly. Hold this."

He handed me a long silver blade. I'd seen Forreston use these before. My fingers clasped the hilt. I looked at Aiden.

"Hold it like this," he instructed, wrapping my fingers around it again. "Stand like this," he said, demonstrating a wide-legged stance.

I tried to copy him, and he exhaled sharply. "Not like that." He came around, his eyes angry.

I sighed. This was going to be exhausting.

I think it's the shortest chapter yet! I'm sorry

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I think it's the shortest chapter yet! I'm sorry. The next one will be long. Don't forget to:



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