Chapter 25

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IT had been days. Weeks, nearly. Apparently, Terran knew a shortcut, so it wasn't as long of a journey as it might have been. I didn't begrudge the long travel, though.

It was rather fascinating, going through the Forest. Seeing the different trees, the different ways elves lived...I'd always wanted to. Now I really was experiencing it.

Killing that soldier — I hadn't even known his name — had weighed on me, but he'd have killed me had I not done that. It was self-defense.

We'd left the bodies — I only hoped that other soldiers found them and gave them a proper burial. They were acting on Ivy's orders, after all.

Maple was getting much better — she'd nearly defeated Pecan once. It was mostly luck, and even she knew that, but she'd done it.

Then we reached a Territory Guard.

There were no underground tunnels this time, so all we could do was disguise ourselves and hope they would let us pass. If anything untoward happened...we could always fight.

We'd go in groups. I would go with Terran, Pecan and Arden went to the south side of the Forest, while Aster, Aiden and Maple were to the north. We would create a large distance between us before crossing, so they wouldn't suspect anything.

Also, Aster, Aiden and Maple would cross in the late night, while we would wait an entire two days before crossing in the night, once more.

I wouldn't know for three days if they'd crossed — and knowing how ruthless the Guard might have been the last time I'd see them.

We ate our afternoon meal in silence. I knew that the others, like myself, were feeling the anxiety of our situation. The twins were being separated — I couldn't imagine what it was lie for them.

They sat together, talking quietly, while I was with Maple. We exchanged nervous looks, but I felt too nauseous to talk.

Finally, we were done eating. I'd tried to delay finishing, but of course, I couldn't hold it off forever. I stood up, glancing around, before turning to Maple.

Before I could say anything, she enveloped me in a tight embrace. "Be careful," she murmured.

"I will. And you will, too," I said, hugging her back. I pulled back, staring deep into her eyes. "And we will see each other again. I swear on Nalvia."

Maple nodded, wiping at her eyes. "We will." I squeezed her hand once more before turning to the others.

Aster was talking to Terran. She looked at me as I approached. "Princess, may Nalvia be with you."

"May Nalvia be with you," I murmured. She hugged me once, briefly but firmly, before pulling away.

Finally, I went to the twins. Arden walked away as I approached. I faced Aiden.

"I'll see you in three days."

I gave him a faint smile, nodding firmly. "Three days. Nalvia be with you."

"Nalvia be with you," he echoed. He shifted on his feet, looking down before glancing back up at me. Then he did the unexpected.

He hugged me.

His arms came around me, squeezing tight. He was warm and strong. I rested my hands on his back, pressing my cheek to his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat.

He only put on a brave façade.

I didn't want to break away, but I did, pulling away just enough to let his arms still rest around me. His eyes were bright now — with tears or hope, I wasn't certain. Maybe both.

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