
193 6 1

Larry-What's up guys i'm Larry Nicolas Bourgeois.

Laurent-And i'm Laurent Nicolas Bourgeois.

Larry-We are both 15 and in high school.

Laurent-We are both 'Freshman' at our school.

Larry-We are different at school.

Laurent-Yea, its true. But that doesn't stop us from being close.

Larry-I play football. And I have a girlfriend named Sam. And I get Oki grades. (A's and B's)

Laurent-I am the moody kid well...Sometimes depends on how I feel that day. I have a couple of friends and works hard. I get good grades and love to text my friends a lot about anime. Corny right? Well I don't care cause I love being me.

Larry-Also we live with our mom and lil sister Shayla. She's 12 and started middle school. (That's true.)

Laurent-I love our Lil sister because she is quite and bearly even talks to people unless she needs to. She loves play video games, singing, drawing, and dancing as well as us.

Larry-We help mama out at home and at when she needs help at work as well. Because its a family buissness that we have. We paint pictures and do self drawings.

Laurent-Well that's all and well see u guys later.

Larry&Laurent- Bye Beautiful People.

A/N: Bye Loves see y'all later 👋 

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