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Ajax POV

We were at John's house relaxing in the living room. Shayla and her friends were roaming the house so if they need somethin or looking for a room they'll know were it is. But they've been gone for a while and i'm getting worried. So I got up from the couch and was about to leave when I heard my name being called. I turn to a worried looked at my friends.

Ajax:" I'm gonna look for bébé. I'll be back. Don't wait up for me tonight at the movies. I'll probably won't make it in time" I said smiling at them. It was fake one as well.

Laurent:" Oki. But if anything goes down tell us. U got that?!?!" He said with a frown.

Ajax:" Yea I got it." I said walking away down the hallway.

40 minutes later

I was still looking for bébé and her friends. But then I heard voices up ahead so I kept walking. 3 minutes later I see them laughing and joking walking my way. I sign in relief know there Oki. Especially my baby girl. Man she so cute and thicc I can't stop these feelings for her. I can't tell her or her brothers because if I do i'll regret it. I'm also 16 so I guess I'm Oki. For now. I'm only 2 years older then her. Her birthdays in April, So its next year. Anyways back to the present time.

As I walked up to them I could tell that Shayla was blushing while smiling nervously at her friend. But I didn't want to be nosey so I didn't ask. Once she saw me she ran up to me and jump huge me like we are a couple. I snapped out of that thought and hugged her back and kissed her cheek. I put her the down and we walk back to the living room.

40 minutes later again

We were in the living room and everyone was gone. I didn't mind at. I actually wanted to stay home so the twins and they girlfriends can have a good time and plus I knew they were gonna go to the bar. I was still listening to the convo while blanked out. I ain't stupid, nor cocky okii! I grew up in the hood so I had to listen out for my surroundings and I went into the woods a lot when my brother died. Right now i'm relaxing on the couch looking at the black screen TV for no reason. Then I got board fast so I put on music and started dancing to 'Shea Butter Baby (ft. J. Cole) by- Ari Lennox'. (Play Song)

When i started dancing i heard footsteps coming down the stairway. I looked only to it was bébé and her twin friends. I smiled and kept dancing. Then they joined in to. We all were having fun dancing with our own style. We all needed a lil work on our moves but for the most part it was amazing. All of a sudden me and Shayla started grinding on each other while dancing, it didn't seem to bother her at all. We were like this for a while before she and her friend Ying started Twerking. Then the front door opened and they were still doing what they were doing.

I couldn't help but stear at her azz. It thicc and fat. Man...I just wanna grab it soooo tight, And f*#&% her real good. But I don't know if I could do that. Hey its alright with me. 'Cause I'm just another N***a from the hood. I then feel backwards do to the force of someone pushing me harder then they intended to. I got up and looked around to see 3 angry men, 2 upset women and 3 scared lil kids. So I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a broom and handed it to Shayla. Then I went home without turning back. I heard her callin my name but I don't want her getting hurt. I'll take her and her friends out for food and movies tomorrow.

Shayla POV

Me, Ying, Yang and everyone who was in here were mad quite. So I sweeped the floor that was partialy full of broken wood. After I was done with that my friends and I sat on the couches and waited for someone to talk first but it was quite. Too quite for me to handle. I got up and apologized to my brothers and my new fondly found friends. Then I went into my room. I couldn't believe he left without saying anything or giving me a huge. But I know he'll make it up to me tomorrow. I know that for sure.

Shayla:" But I have to make sure to tell them about my crush on him sooner then later." I said out loud without realizing it.

???:" How u gonna do that?" Said some guy standing at my door.

Shayla:" Who are u?" I asked the new found boy at my bed room door. (Its closed by the way.)

???:" U don't remember me sis?" He asked back.

Shayla:" No I don't... Should I?" I asked him confused.

???:" Nah.. I don't think u would remember anyways. My name is Jamie,I'm ur cousin and i'm 15. Its nice to see u again." He smiled.

That's when I realized who he was. I then ran to him and hugged him tightly, as he sings the song 'Tell her by- 'Michl.' We rocked back and forth as he sang the song while we stand there. I started crying but I can't help but cry a lot its all I can do to show people i'm upset.

5 minutes later

I have stopped crying and Jamie is now kissing my intier face. Then he did the unexpected. He kissed my lips. I didn't know what to do at first but then I kissed back. He then brought us to my bed. He then licked my bottom lip for entrance. I let him in and it got heated real fast. Then I undid his belt and pulled down his pants and underwear. He did the same to me, then the next thing I knew all our clothes were off and he was rubbing his cock on my pussy. It felt so good that I moaned but then bit my lip to stop anymore from slipping out. I had my eyes closed the whole time. After a while I felt kisses down my body. I gasped at the touch of his lips on my skin but then moaned again.

Shayla:" Jamie stop teasing, Please?" I whined a lil.

Jamie:" As u wish...Princess, but what's my name?." He smirked at me.

Shayla:" D-Daddy... Fuck me please!" I said blushing a lil looking away.

Jamie:" Oki then. But first, Are u a Virgin?" He asked calmly.

Shayla:" Y-yes." I stuttered. Then he nodded and smiled.

Then he sucked his fingers for a while then stuck them in me. It hurt so bad but after a while it felt soooo good that I couldn't help but moan. Soon after he put his hug cock in me and thruster into me so hard. I was in pain but it soon turned into pleasure. I had my mouth parted a lil and was gripping the bed sheets. It was so good that I wanted more of it.

Shayla:" Faster Daddy, Faster So That I Can't Walk No More." I moaned so loud i'm sure my brothers heard me.

Jamie kissed me to hush me but I couldn't help it. I was surprised i'm injoying it. Then I heard the door open but I didn't dare open my eyes to look. Jamie kept going and it drove me insane. I opened my eyes and saw that my brothers were at the door. They looked angry at me. Well one of them did the other looked amused. I just smiled weakly before my eyes rolled into my head. Then I felt a kiss on my neck and so I grabbed his shoulders as he grabbed my waist. His thrust went faster and faster. Then he switched our positions. I was now on top and him on bottom.

Lau:" Ride!" Laurent said in my ear seductively. I moaned and did as he said.

I road Jamie. And it felt like I was in heaven doing backflips. I then felt someone touch my waist and move me off of  Jamie before the fun was over. I pouted as I looked up at whoever picked me up. I was surprised to see it was Larry who did it, but I was still  pouting because I was getting better. Then I felt something wet touch my hair and back. I look around me to. See I was in the bathroom taking a shower. I hadn't realized that he took me to the bathroom down the hallway. I guess it was because I was thinking so much I wasn't paying attention to my surrounding's.

30 minutes later

I was in Larry's room tonight. He told me I can lay in here tonight but he wouldn't be back till later. Everyone left an hour ago, due to the fact that lau told them to. But anyways it was an Oki day I had fun today since Mama, Sam and Len died. I hope they having fun up there. I know they watching me and seeing what I do. Then the door opened to a wet Larry. I'm guessing it rained outside or something. But I drifted of to sleep and  smiled when I felt someone hold me close to there body.

To Be Continued...
Hope u guys like it.💖💖

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