Tour Pt. 4

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Laurent POV

I couldn't help but get angry at the sight of my lil sister being kidnapped again but this time by my OWN SIBLINGS. I just wish everyone will stop trying to take her. Like, What is so special about her and us family? I wish everything was back to normal but that won't happen for sure. But it might if I just dream yeah.. Dream. How? Idk i'll figure out later, right now I need to get my sister back.

I run outside and follow the smell of Dark Crescent. It leads me to an abandon asylum. I turn around to see Larry following me worried. But then again he's mad cause he's gripping his fist tighter then when he usually does it. So I kept walking and let him linger behind me for awhile. Well I should say until he barked at me to stop.

"Lau don't you ever leave like that do you understand?" He said with his head low.

"Yes I do, Lar. Now come here and give me your hands." I say to him calmly.

*Growls* "Fine. What are you gonna do,Lau?" He said hesitantly.

"Nothin. Just let me see if u hurt ur self brother. Why can't I worry for my own twin?" I said as I looked at his hands and saw nail marks.

"No.. No there's nothin wrong with that I just don't want u to leave me and not come back. Like that time when we were 5 and we were playing Tag He said snuffling a few times in the process.

"Yea I do... I don't wanna remember that right now. Let's go find Shay, okay?" I say as I turn and kept following Dark Crescent's scent.

"Okay, I'm sorry!" He whispered.

"Its okay. Just next time bring somethin up at the right time or wait to say something, got that Larry?" I say turning left then right.

"Yea I do." He said holding my hand in the process of walking up next to me.

Then we heard a scream come from some where. We couldn't tell because we were at an intersection. It was getting cold and it felt like someone was right behind us. So I turn and froze in fear.

"Lau, What is it?... What are you starring at the..." Larry started before looking at what I was.

"Hello boys nice to see the both of u again. How has it been?" Said someone who was long past dead.

"But how?"

To Be Continued...

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