Love Me

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Larry POV

I didn't know how to answer that question so I stayed silent until Lau and John came back to the car. It was quite for a while until I heard soft snores from the body in front of me. I smiled softly but it slowly went away as I thought about what she said. But it was quick due to the fact that John and Laurent were back in the car. I shifted my body so that I was sitting straight. It was quite still until I heard Laurent say somethin.

Lau:" I Oki bro? He asked looking me in my eyes.

Lar:" Yea...Just Thinking." I said looking down at bébé.

Lau:" She said something again didn't she?" He asked looking at bébé now as well.

Lar:" Mmmhmm." I humed because I didn't know what to say.

John:" What was it?" He asked curious.

Lar:" She said "she doesn't want to die because 'he' said so", but I don't understand what's going on with our family." I said not know what's going on.

John:" Nether do we. But we'll figure it out." He said smiling through the mirror.

3 days later

Shayla POV

We were driving to our new schools today and I was nervous cause i'll be the new kid and don't know anyone. But i'll try to find some. Cause I know I can. Right now i'm lookin out the window at the cars and people walking by us. Then my phone ringed and so I checked to see who it was. I saw it was Teo, I smiled knowing I can talk to him. So I read the text he sent me and yelled in excitement.

TeoBoi💖:" I'm coming to see u today. Because I want to see how u doing after the incident at ur house 4 days ago. Is that Oki?" He texted me.

Me:" That sounds amazing. Cause that means I can have someone to talk to from LA. What time u comin?" I ask wondering.

TeoBoi💖:" Ahh.....When ever u want me too." He texted me. Teo is very sweet if u give him a chance. I actually had a crush on him for a while now. But don't tell anyone.

Me:" Hold on for a sec, Oki? I need to see what time my brothers are going to the club tonight just in case I have to go and watch them if they did anything stupid or dumb founded." I texted him cause that's what I had to do sometimes because Mama wanted to see if I can learn from them. But I don't drink or smoke. Nether do they so I no need to worry.


I waited for Shayla to answer me back. I lover her so much. Bruh y'all don't know how many times of a day I think about and it gives me a boner. Like that sh!t crazy. But y'all know i'm all good now we friends since. So Yea. My brother don't know that I still talk to her. Because I hide it from him. I say i'm texting my friend Ybn Namire but i'm really not. The only reason I say that is because I know he don't like Namire because he's gay but I don't care. My phone started vibrating in my hand so I see she texted back. I smiled at her reply.

ShyLilMamaz😍:" They said I have to go with them to the club tonight. But they said u could come if u want to. So...Can u come?" She texted, I could tell she was blushing. It made me smile a lot.

Me:" Yea Why not. What time? And, What club?" I ask so I know when to get ready tonight.

ShyLilMamaz😍:" Meet us there at 8:30pm. The club were going to is Merckys Club." She texted.

Me:" Oki. Babe see u then." I text to her.

ShyLilMamaz😍:" We no affical yet so don't call me that yet Oki boi?" She texted me and I new she was playing.

Me:" Yes Ma'am. See u tonight then." I smiled to myself.

ShyLilMamaz😍:" She u tonight Teo."

Me:" Bye 😘."

ShyLilMamaz😍:" Bye 😚💕."

Then I put my phone away not noticing that Ayo took me to our 1st period class. But it makes me smile that I get to see her tonight. I hope she is as well. Today's the day I finally get to make love to someone I wanted to make love to for a long time.

After school

Shayla POV

Right now me and my brothers are getting ready for the club performance tonight. I was excited to see Teo. I haven't seen him in 4 days. My mind has gone crazy since then but with John and my twin brothers i've been 'sober' for good. If that's what people even say. Cause I still don't know. I can only speak French clearly. But anyways i'm gonna wear a black and blue crop top with black shorts. I'm also wearing my black and blue Adidas, with my necklace, earings, rings, and bracelets. Also, Last but not least my hat. Right now i'm having one of my brothers friends twist my hair. Lau, Lar and John are also wearing something with black and another color. Lau is wearing black and gold. Larry is wearing black and silver. John was wearing black and purple. It made me smile to know that we all chose the colors that were showing are emotion for the past couple of days.

2hrs. Later

Body Guards POV

Right now I was watching the Les Twins, there sister and friend John and a plus 1there sister brought for the night. I couldn't help but tell the girl and the kid with the two braids in front of his hair were flirting. So I watched them for a Lil just in case they do somethin sneaky and they didn't so I watched the crowd and the twins movements.

4 hrs. later (Body Guard still)

We've been here for a few hours now and we are in the VIP area. I was sitting down watching the Larry dance until somethin caught my eye that made me have to do my job correctly. Once I saw that I knew everything was about to change for good for everyone here at this club.

What I saw was...

To Be Continued...
This chapter goes out to kaseyblood
Hope u guys like it.
And I'll see u guys in the next chapter.
Peace Frigga's✌

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