Tour Pt.1

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Laurent POV

I woke up to my alarm. I looked and saw it was 3:30 am. I turned my alarm off and looked to see bébé laying on my chest silently sleeping. So I slowly moved her trying not to wake her up but it backfired. Cause once I letter her head she immediately got up and looked at the room that was only lighted up by the bathroom light. She soon saw I was awake and smiled at me.

"Mornin." She said in her morning voice giving me a half smile.

"Morning sis." I said smiling at her.

"Tour starts here." She said stretching and yawning.

I smiled at how cute my lil sister so even tho she's not that little no more. I just wish she knew how Larry felt the way for her. The reason I like her is so Larry can get her to be his girl. Hopefully it works out between them if not then Idk what will. Anyways I got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Shayla POV

I'm in Lau's room right now thinking about the tour. I don't know what's gonna happen while were traveling and stuff, I just hope me and Larry can get through what  happened that night and move forward because I don't want to talk about it at all. I got up and leaved a note for Lau telling him i'm going to get clothes and a towel just in case he comes out before I get back in the room. Once I was in my room I immediately grabbed a pair of booty shorts black and a gray hoodie crop top. I grabbed my towel and my phone just in case he takes to long. When I opened the door I saw the only person I didn't want to see just now but it was to late.

Larry:" Can we talk about what happened?" He asks softly.

Shayla:" Sorry can't have to talk to Laurent about somethin and it's really important. So... See ya larbear." I said faster then normal.

Lar:" But....." He started but I ran out my room before he could finish saying the rest if his sentence.

'Why did this have to happen to me?' I thought to myself as I ran to Laurent's room crying. I ran faster as I thought about what will happen if I told him how I feel. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he disowns me. As I was running I ran into someone and they hugged me. I hugged back and listened to there voice until I calmed down

???:" Calm down,Just breath for me. Can u do that?" The voice said.

I nodded and stayed quite until I was able to talk. All I could do was whimper at the moment.

???:" Okii. Just follow my pattern Oki?" Said the person I was hugging even more tightly.

I nodded my head again but slowly. What I just realized is that the body I was holding onto for dear life was wet. So I looked up and noticed it was Lau. When I saw his face I completely calmed down after almost crying because I saw Larry for a second. I noticed that he was looking at me worried I nodded my head and we went back to his room.

When we walked in I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I left my phone with Lau so if Larry calls Lau can answer for me. I took my hair out and let it get wet while taking my so called 'Shower'.

Meanwhile with Larry (POV)

I was now in my bathroom sitting on the sink thinking about why bébé ran away so fast. Did I do somethin wrong? Did I do anything bad? I have no clue, I just want to close to her or should I say even "Closer" then before. But who knows how long that'll be.

7 Hours Later Laurent POV

We are in our hotel room and I am happy to be here in California. Me and Larry are sharing a room with Roy and John. Bébé and Eleni are sharing a room across the hallway. Right now I feel something a lil off with Larry and I know what it is but I ain't gonna push him to say anything. But we both are tired so we gonna take a rest for a lil before we go to the club.

So I layed down in the bed closest to the closest cause i'm the one who wakes up before Larry. Once I turned to face the closet with our suitcases I felt Lar behind me. I turned and kissed his forehead and held him close. Then the next thing I know I hear Roy and John say "Awwww" so I lifted my head and threw it at them. They laughed then gave me back my pillow. After that I started humming Naive by RKCB as me and my twin drifted off into slumber. I then heard an somethin that made me smile.

Larry:" I'm not one to plead no, I'm just not u no, I'm not Naive no." I heard Larry as I smiled.

Lau:" Oh oh ohhhhh. Oh oh ohhh." I sang back and with that we slept our thoughts away and our body's parade.

Eleni POV

As me and Shayla went shopping for clothes and stuff for tonight I can tell Shayla was a lil off. But didn't want to bother her about it. We are currently at "Lil Mamazs"  (Made Up). It was one of  the new of the stores that were made while Shay was 'Died' supposedly. But I can tell she liked it because she would turn around when she found somethin she liked. Then all of a sudden she starts singing this song her and the Twins found on Spotify while dancing a while back. Its called "Naive". It was a good song I just don't know why she's singing it if its not... That's when I realized that the Twins could've been singing and so she sang it to feel closer to them. I smiled at realization while following Shayla to the dressing room. I gave her the clothes she picked out and she went into one of the rooms and started trying them all.

20 Minutes later

Shayla was done trying on clothes and we are now waiting in line to buy the outfit she picked out. It was beautiful and spot on her style. I just can't wait for the guys to see what she's Waring as well as mine. But then someone came up to us with a hoodie over there heads. So I moved Shayla behind me slightly just in case.

???:" Are u the Les Twins sister?" The guy asked.

I looked at Shay as she stared at me scared. I nodded letting her know it was okay to answer. She nodded at me before answering.

Shay:"Y-yes that's m-me. Who w-wants to know?" She stuttered because no one never came up to her without showing there face or someone else she knows, knows the person.

???:" Someone ur gonna see before ur gone for good."  The guy said before everything went black.

'What's gonna happen next?' Was the last thing I thought before I fell into full darkness.

To Be Continued...

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