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January 2016 After Winter Break

Larry POV

Today's the day we go back to school. We just finished winter break and its been good for the most part. Shayla and Ajax have been dating since September and they've been kicking very well. But there's been strange things that's been going on lately and its getting creepy. Me and Lau aren't really close anymore for some reason. He's been getting distant and i've been getting irrigated over stupid stuff lately. Like on October on Halloween at school some girl was messing with Laurent and he looked uncomfortable. Also, he was getting bullied by a guy we USED to know back in Elementary School. So just watching made me irrigated. We've also be arguing a lot lately as well.

The thing that scared me was the fact that I beat the hell out of both the girl and boy who was messing with Laurent. I didn't mean to, I didn't even realized I started walking towards them. I guess Ca Blaze took over causing me to black out during the whole thing. So i got in school suspension for November and December of last year. Now were back at school in a new year i'm ready to make a new start at school, and get me and my twin bond back together. But I don't know how's that gonna work.

On the other hand i'm in 6th pireod and the bells about to ring. The class i'm in is science and my teacher is shit at teaching. All he does is be on his computer or phone not even paying attention to us. So we have to research stuff for our self's which is stupid. But at least i'm sitting next to bébé and Lau. We sit at a table with 3 people at each one. I just don't know how i'm gonna make it up to Lau. I'll find out later.

4 hours later

Were at home and bébé is painting a picture of Me, Lau, Ajax, Ying, Yang. I could tell it was gonna be beautiful because she was smiling like 5 year old that just got a new toy. But I couldn't help but look towards Laurent's direction for some reason. I felt an erg to hold him close and don't let him go. So I did and the thing is he went stiff for a moment and his breathing hitched. He soon calmed down and relaxed.

Larry:" Lau...What's wrong?" I asked him bumping our heads together.

Lau:" I can't stand our close relationship ending so soon and not having u next to me. Its hurting me not being able to be around u without trying to annoy u." He said breathing heavy.

Lar:" Same here. That's what I've been thinking about today. So if I wasn't talkin like usual then that's why." I said honestly.

Lau:" But, What if it happens because of an argument?" My twin said crying.

Lar:" Its gonna happen if u keep doubting our relationship bro." I said kissing his...

To Be Continued...

Short but meaningful.
Hope u guys enjoy.😜

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