Make love to me, please?

20 2 6

Larry POV

It was almost time for the party to start and I was nervous. So I started messing with my fingers and hair, I also closed my eyes. I've been doing it for a couple of minutes now and i've started yanking and pulling my hair even more. But then felt someone grab my hand and huge me. I opened my eyes to see Lau holding me as he rocks us back and forth. I immediately started to calm down and relax in his arms. As soon I was fully calm he let go and kissed my forehead and smiled at me. I smiled as well then the doorbell rang and I went to go see who it was. Once I got there I looked through the peephole and groaned at who I saw. But I opened the door anyways.

???:" what's up Larry? How's it been?"

Larry:" Why u here Melissa? U know I can't let u in u know that right." I said as I stepped in front of her so she new I meant it.

Melissa:" Yea, I know. But I came for the party. Cause u know the party never really starts without me." She said rubbing my chest while smirking.

Larry:" Bruh... For the last freaking time... I don't like u. So, Why do u keep coming back to me?" I said whining a lil but knowing she knew what I ment.

Melissa:" Because i'm still in love with u can't u tell. And plus u and I were happy together when we didn't fight and it sister, twin and family got our way." She said pouting while rubbing my chest still. So I moved my hand away as I felt an angry Lau walk towards us.

Lau:" What I tell u Mel?" He said crossing his arms standing behind me.

Mel:" N-Not to come here ever again or else." She stuttered walking backwards.

Lau:"That's right. Now... Why u here Melissa?" He asked started walking towards Mel. But I stopped him before he got to close to her.

Shay/John:" Lau calm down please. There's no need to hurt her." They said in unison as they walk towards us along with Ayo, Teo and Klondike.

Lau:" Uhhhhhhhhhhh!" He yelled not wanting to do what said not to. But it also startled everyone, even that crazy bih'

Shay:" But she does need to go tho. I don't like her." She said walking up to her face.

Mel:" I don't like u ether bitch." She said causing bébé to bounce on her. Like literally she hissed and jumped on her like a cat.

We all laughed at her reaction and what Shayla did. But we had to take her off of Melissa before she goes full out beast, and let me tell me one thing... When bébé goes beast her diva is unleashed. For real for real. After we got her off we sperated them and told Melissa to leave or well call the cops. So she left and I closed the door behind her nasty azz. But when I turned around I saw bébé cuddled up into Teo and Lau. I don't know why she makes me feel this way but she does. In stead of me getting mad I felt sad cause I don't know if she loves me back I could tell Lau felt the same cause he looked at me the same time I did. So he walked over to me and I did the same and we held each other for a few minutes as we cried silently. Then again so does Lau... But don't tell anyone. Shhhhh.

2 hrs later

Shayla POV

It was 9:40 pm and the party was amazing and packed. There were so many people here that I almost fainted. I couldn't help but smile at what my brothers did. But there was so much smoke and alcohol I couldn't help but go outside. Once that cool fresh air hit my face I took a big breath and exhaled with ice breath. I smiled when I felt someone kiss my check. But who ever kissed me started rubbing my pussy causing me to moan. I turn to see Larry. When I looked into his eyes I didn't see Larry I saw Ca Blaze. Which made me scared because he did say he'll get me tonight. I smiled weakly as he started rubbing me faster through my leggings.

I couldn't help but moan at the speed he was doing. It felt soo good but it was wrong. So I tried to speak but nothing but another moan came out. Then I got the courage to move away from him and run back into the house and go through people to get to my room. When I got into my room I locked my door knowing my brothers have keys and went to the bathroom and locked the door. I knew he wouldn't come in here. That's when I heard the door open and I covered my mouth. Because when he's like this I know he can hear my breathing real easily. Which scared me cause when I was little I got lost into the woods when I was 8 cause we went on a vacation to a lake. We had a house out in the middle of  the woods because there's a path that leads to the lake and me being my carious self I went off the path and found myself somewhere I haven't been. So I just walked until I meet a Wolf pack. They looked Hungary but angry. I stood in fear not knowing what to do. So I sat down slowly and crossed my legs as they circled around me like a predator waiting for its pray. I stared crying but I had to keep my mouth shut as tears fell. Then a wolf came up to me and turned into its human form and she hugged me. I smiled at her as she said calming words to me. After a while she signaled another wolf to come and he transformed into human form as well. Once I was mostly calm she told me her name is Sam and that the boy was Len. All of a sudden Larry jumps into the circle without thinking and looked at me with worried but angry eyes. I smiled and looked at my newly found friends. But I dropped it when Lar tried to kill them, before he could I knocked him back then grabbed there hands and we ran. Two of the older wolfs came with us and I rode one of them. Soon we were hiding behind trees hoping he'll run right pass us but didn't.

Lar:" Bébé i know u there. I hear ur voice so there's no point in hiding. I won't get mad if u just come home lil sis." He said  looking around trying to figure out which tree it was. (French)

Shay:" Sorry brother but I don't know how and nether do u so me and my new "friends" are gonna go take me home. Oki? But u can follow a few feet behind so u won't kill them." I said as we silently walked away from the tree and they started running as he followed.

Lar:" Fine. But just know I can hear ur breathing no matter what or were u are or doing unless ur covering ur mouth." He said as I closed my eyes for a nap.

That's how I new he could and it happened many times before were I got lost in the woods when we went out there. And he always finds me or at school when people would bully me. Then I heard banging on the door and yelling. I don't know what happened. But all u hear is Larry yelling my name. So I opened the door forgetting he was drunk until he grabbed me and kissed me. I moaned into the kiss as he grabbed my azz, causing me to wrap my legs around his waist. But I then pull away looking at him seeing he was still in beast mood. I realized it was Ca Blaze still in control and not Larry. I soon felt something rubbing against my pains. So I looked down and see he had a boner.

30 minutes later

We both were in my bed. I was on my hands and knees moaning all over the place. Larry was thrusting into me really fast while moaning and groaning as well. There would be screams here and there. It was so damn good, but we need to stop cause it wasn't write. So I used what ever strength I had to speak.

Shay:" L-Larry we have to stop, please Daddy?" I said crying a lil not wanting to stop but not wanting to hurt his feeling.

Lar:" No. I didn't cum yet so no..." He stopped once he saw my face.

He soon stopped thrusting and came out of me causing me too whimper. I was about to fall on the bed until he caught me and set me down gently. He layed down next me turning me to face him. Once I faced him he whipped away my tears and kissed my forehead. Then he rubbed my check as I kept crying which caused him to do the same.

Lar:" Bébé i'm s-sorry I did that to u-u. I-i didn't know what took over me. Please don't leave me. I need u, i'm so sorry bébé." He said holding me close.

Shay:" Its okay. It wasn't u. U were just drunk and had lust. Which caused Ca Blaze took over. So no w-worry Daddy." I smiled at him but my body hurt.

Lar:" I love u bébé." He said as I closed my eyes.

Shay:" Love u too Lar." I smiled a liking before sleep took over.

To be continued...

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