Love Me Pt.2

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Body Guard POV

What I saw was Laurent about to fight Teo. So i got up and walked over to them, with Larry following close behind me. When I was finally over to were they were I stood next to the young lady and Larry next to his brother. I didn't know what they were talkin about so I asked what was going on.

Body Guard:" What's going on here?" I asked Laurent and Teo.

Lau:" He was touching all up on her. I got mad cause that didn't sit right with me." He said glaring at the boy.

Teo:" Oki so!" The kid said.

Lau:" What u mean 'Oki So'? U no suppost to touch her until u date her. But u no dating so no touch her. Oki lil boi?" He said getting all up in his face

Teo:" But I love her and she loves me. So what's the point in not doing it? Cause y'all do it and y'all have girlfriends." He defended back.

Lar:" Yea but we older then u. So don't get mixed up with being a high schooler and a middle schooler, Oki Teo?" Larry said now getting into the arguing.

Teo:" Yea alright. My bad Laurent I didn't mean it to be like that. U wanna call it a truce?" He asked reaching out his hand and his other in his pocket.


I reached out my right hand to shake Laurent's and my other in my back pocket with my fingers crossed. I did that so no one can see what I was doing with my hand behind my back. And plus I will get what I want I always do. Even if i get called a back stabbing lil piece of shit. Then yes. Cause right now all I want is her.

Teo:"Shayla Bourgeois... One of the prettiest girls at school." I thought in my head. I think.

Lau/Lar:" Umm......What?" They said in unison and confusion.

Teo:" I said that out loud didn't I?" I asked smacking my forehead.

Body Guard:" Yea..U did bruh." Said the body guard I don't know the name of.

Teo:" I have a question for the body guard. What's ur name anyways man?" I asked questionably.

Body guard:" My names Eston. But my friends and family call me E." He said smirking. (I couldn't think of a name so I used my dads name instead.)

Teo:" Oh...Oki!" I said putting my attention back on Laurent who finally grabbed my hand.

Lau:" I only trust u because she dose. If it wasn't for her then I would've beat u for touching her that way. So u better treat her with respect." He said pointing to Shayla.

Teo:" Got it." I smiled at them.

2hrs later

Shayla POV

We were still at the club and its like 2 o'clock right now and i'm tired. Right now i'm laying my head on Teo's shoulder about to doze of. But the music is blasting through the building right now. I got thirsty so I got up and went to the bar for a Gingerale. Once I asked for that I turned around and saw Lau dancin and Larry fan boying over him like usual. But then saw me and came over to me. So I turned around just in time because the bar tender set my drink down in front of me.

Shay:" Thank u." I smiled at them bar tender.

Bar Tender:" Ur welcome cutie." He said and winked at me and it made me smile harder then before.

Then I saw Larry sit next to me. I turned to him and I smiled he did the same. We soon bumped heads before we started talking.

Lar:" Hello there bébé." He said smiling at me.

Shay:" Hello there brother. How are u doing right now? " I asked still keeping that same smile.

Lar:" I feel better knowing u Oki." He said touching our foreheads together.

Shay:" Good. Do u need somethin?" I asked while still in that position.

Lar:" Yea I want to dance with u. Is that Oki." He asked with his eyes closed.

Shay:" Oki. How bout to the next song?" I asked him.

Lar:" Yea sure." So we got up and went to were Lau was. (Middle of the crowd.)

{Play song here}

Then when the next song came on and I got excited because I new the song. It was 'Pray - by Sam Smith.' So I turned to Lar and held his hand and then we started to dance to the song. (I know it was in my A/N but right now its giving me a vibe I can't figure out for this chapter.)

When we both locked hands we moved in to the beat very well. All I could hear is the music and all I could see is my brother in front of me. Then everything wasn't there anymore except for Lar. He was there to catch me when I fall so was Lau. I kept moving to the be my hips and body like I always do. But then I saw them standing there watching me dance. So I kept going until I felt dizzy and my stomach was quizzing.

I was soon standing still being hold by someone while crying and tired. In whoever's arms I were in were shielding and calming. I couldn't tell who it was for a second but I didn't care at all. But for some reason I kept saying "Take Me Home". And whoever was holding me took me home. I was so sleepy and tired but I could tell this person was too. I smiled at the persons voice. It was Larry. I didn't know Larry can be this calming around people. I really didn't care cause I was dosing off. But then I felt someone rubbing my thigh so I woke up to see both twins looking at me.

Larry POV

Held bébé while she was crying because the way she was ending her dance showed she was tired. So I grabbed her without her noticing anything. Once in my arms she kept saying " Take me home" for a few minutes. I looked and saw Laurent coming towards us so I told we should leave right now.

Then we turned around and said 'Good Bye' to our fans and Teo and went home. While we were in the car she was starting to fall asleep. I knew because she stopped crying and started to relax her head on me. So I rubbed her thigh. I could tell she was waking up because her eyes were blinking a few times. When she finally opened her eyes she saw us.

Shay:" I'm tired. Can I sleep with u tonight Larry?" She asked not really awake all the way.

Lar:" Sure. But we need shower first, Oki?" I said as John pulled up to the house.

Shay:" Oki!" She said smiling with her eyes closed.

30 minutes later(Larry)

We were in bed about to sleep when bébé layed her head on my chest. Which is not knew but she stopped doing it when she was nine. Because she would always get on top of me and sleep on me all night. I found it adorable but I would always be sore in the morning. I really didn't care because she started just laying her head on my head. But what really got me off guard is her rubbing my dick through my sweatpants.

I wanted to moan so bad but I knew it was wrong. But it felt so good. Then I let out a moan and she stopped. I looked down to see that it wasn't her. It was Teo who did it. So I got up went to the bathroom and jacked off. Once I was done I beat the crap out of Teo.

To Be Continued...
This chapter goes to LesTwinsLicorn and kingpaname
Hope u guys like the chapter.
Bye LTFans💖

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