Tour pt.2

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Elini POV

I woke up in a dark room with a lamp and a bed. On the bed I saw Shayla looking at me. She smiled at me when we made eye contact. I smiled back but then frowned at the marks that were left on her skin. Then the door opened and a guy walked in. He looked like he was the same age as Shayla but like a year older. The boy walked over to her and helped her off the bed and next to me. When he saw that I was awake he smiled at me and i did the same. Then he sat in front of us and we sat in silence until he broke it.

Boy:" Hi i'm Josh and i'm 23 years old. I came here to help u..." He said

Shayla:" Noooo... *Whimpers* We hurt by people who "help" us. It no good, I no trust u. Elini help. *Whispers* Help no touch me pleas he rapped me..." She said half sleeping, half awake cutting Josh off.

Josh:" Are u talkin about my brother?" He asked.

Shay:" Mmhmm!" She said humming.

Joshua:" Okay.  Right now Nick is calling ur brothers for a ransom by tonight. He'll leave to meet them and leave u guys here. Or so he thinks... While he's sleeping imma come down here and get u guys. We'll go outside to the car and i'll put u in the trunk. He doesn't really look in there so i'll hide u in there until its time to come out." He said looking at me this time

Elini:" Okay! What time does he usually sleep when he makes Ransom's?" I asked so I can know to wake Shayla up.

Josh:" Around 4 or 5 o'clock." He said looking between the door and me.

Elini:" Okay, We'll be ready by then." I smiled at him as he did the same.

Soon we heard Josh's brother call his name. So he got up and quickly kissed my forehead and Shayla's cheek. Then he left. He seems like he likes her. But I can't tell Lar cause if I do then it will get wild.

Meanwhile With Lau/Lar POV


Me and Lau are in the dinning room sitting at the table sitting in silence. The reason is that we just found out that Bebe and Elini was captured yesterday at the mall. We had no clue as to were they were until now. We just thought they were at someone's house or was still at the mall talkin to a fan and lost track of time. Idk what we gonna do, cause the call was for a ransom and we don't have the money. We still going on tour. But we have to fly all the way to LA to get them and surprisingly that's were we suppose to be for a club tonight. We gonna be a lil late unless we get there early.  Which is what we can do. The flight is in 2 hours and its 8am and we no suppose to be there until 12pm but we gonna be there ASAP.

Lau:" That's a good plan bro. U actually think things through besides ur choreograph." Lau laughed as he stood up and ran to his room as I was about to follow him.

Lar:" That no true... I do think." I whispered the last part.

4 hrs later


We were on the plane and we have turbulence. I grabbed onto Ayo and Lar's arms for help cause i'm really scared and a lil uncomfortable. I can tell Teo was getting upset but IDC right now cause i'm hyperventilating at the moment and everything is blurry. I was gonna scream until I felt Larry unbuckle my seatbelt and his own and sat me in his lap. My back to his front. Then we buckled the seatbelt and sat like that for a good 30 minutes. While i'm sitting in Larry's lap I feel a lil calm and sleepy. So I shifted to were I was sideways and feel asleep.

3 hrs later...

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