??? Pt.2

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Larry POV

I kissed all over Lau's face. I can't stand to see Lau cry or anybody I care about. But more so my siblings then friends bit still close people in jenural. I stopped and looked at whoever came and laied there head on our laps so quietly. Then I realized who else could it possibly be. No other then our precious lil baby sister Shayla.

When I looked at her, all I could see I her cute gapped smile I see when she's happy. Also, I forgot to mention she went back to no talkin again. Idk why tho. Somethin happened while her and Ajax were in Canada during winter break. She bearly speaks English anymore, the only time she does is when she's talkin to Ying, Yang and Ajax. But if u dance u can tell what she's saying through her moves or other talents. I then kissed her face as well then she left and sat next to her friends and boyfriend.

I then heard her say something in French. I knew she was directing it to Ajax cause she said his name. I also knew she was talkin to me and Laurent. What she said was harsh. But also funny because it was true. I just don't know why she sticks around it when it happens tho.

Shayla:" This nigga broke my voice. I don't even know how but he did. Probably from doing some stupid prank." She said causing me and Lau to laugh.

Her friends looked at us and could tell it was about Ajax and they started laughing as well. Ajax just sat there confused. So I tried to stop laughing to say something to him and bébé but I couldn't. That's when Ying, Yang and Laurent said it at the same time, for me.

Ying/Yang/Lau:" She said some shit about u. And u don't even know." They said in unison.

But I got confused as to why Ying and Yang said if they don't know what bébé said. Unless she mind linked them and told them what she said. I have no clue if she did or didn't so I might ask later. But right now its like 9 almost 10 o'clock pm. Its time for bébés friends to go home now. I got up and went to face bébé. But Ajax stood in my face like he was about to do somethin.

I moved him out my way and squatted in front of bébé. I smiled and bumped heads with her. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, so I turned to see who it was. I look and see someone I haven't seen in 2 years, and almost 1 day. Before I could react Ajax punched the hell out of me and grabbed bébé. I stumbled backwards almost tripping over the rug.

Ajax POV

Tonight's the night Master back what's his. So i've been trying to get close to Shay and the Twins. Because that's the only way I could've gotten them to trust me. Well at least 1 way to get people to trust someone undetected in doing something dangerous. The person i'm working for is no other then Jacob himself. Yes, he escaped jail and is out for revenge and get the love of his life back.

Laurent POV

I got up and walked over to Larry and helped him, because he looked out of focused. So I touched his shoulders and made him look at me. Once he was looking at me I smacked him a few times to get him focused but it didn't work. Then bébé came and kissed him (On the forehead or did she?). That soon got him out his dizziness and now he was starting at her. I smiled but brought them back to reality.

Lau:" Larry, bébé we have to go now there's no point in having a staring contest." I said standing in front of Larry and pushing him backwards.

Lar:" Okii, Mon Frèrè." He said staring me in the eyes now.

Shayla:" Ying and Yang ur coming with us. Were taking u home, okii?" She said facing her friends.

Ying/Yang:" Oki! But well see u tomorrow, right?" They said in unison.

Shayla:" Idk. I might not..." She started.

Larry:" U better not finish that sentence. Ur gonna make it and ur going to see ur friends tomorrow. U hear me." He said yelling kinda.

Shayla:" Sí, Mon Frèrè." She said in Spanish and French.

Larry:" Oki,Then. How we get pass these 2 idiot's?" He said facing both black boys in front of us.

The rest of us:" No Clue."

How are we supposed to get past them? 1 is our 'Best Friend' supposedly and the other we know from another century ago, who basically married our lil sister and is still in love with her.

Lau:" I have an idea."

To Be Continued...

Sorry it took so long to update. I left my device at my grandmas house because I went to a birthday party on Tuesday and didn't come back till today. But I hope u guys like it. 🤗🤗

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