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Shayla POV

Its lunch time and i'm sitting with my friends and other 7 graders I meet today. They served us sloppy Joe which is Oki, I guess. Right now, My best friends Sam(girl) and Len (boy, also gay), are arguing about which one of my brothers are cute. They do this all the time and it makes me laugh. Also, i've known them since we were in dippers soo....Yea. Anyways back to what I was sayin Sam is crushing on Larry and Len is crushing on Lau. So I don't know.

Len:"Shayla which one of ur brothers do u think is cute?" He asked snapping me out my thoughts then looking behind me and blushing.

Shayla:"I don't know. They identical twins and are 15. So it don't really matter to me cause they adorable when they together cause they care for each other deeply. Also, they my brothers so of course there cute because they love me for me and I love them for them. So stop asking me that question cause I tell u guys this every time." I say not noticing my brothers behind me and the whole school watching us.

Sam:" Oki, But we have to know so we won't argue anymore. So please tell us." She begged.

Shay:"No because they my brothers so stop asking me." I say getting angry.

That's when I got up and picked up my tray of food and threw it in the dumpster. Once I turned around I saw my brothers looking at me uncomfortable. So I ran to them and hugged them. They hugged back and kissed my forehead when I looked up at them. Then the only thing I could do was cry. Because I don't like it here and everything is not what I thought it'll be.

Out of no where I hear photos being taken and whispers,ect. But I couldn't tell why. I opened my eyes to see Larry picking me up by my butt, holding Lau's hand and walking out of the cafeteria. So I put my legs around his waist and closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Larry POV

I picked Shay up while she was crying by her ass because I know it helps me relax to know she's okay in my arms if I have her in my arms, with my arms under her ass. So I grabbed Lau's hand and walked out the cafeteria. I could tell she was asleep cause I felt her relax in my arms. But then I realized she didn't have her backpack so we turned around and went back.

2 minutes later in the cafeteria

Laurent POV

We were in the cafeteria again because we forgot Shayla's backpack. Once we stepped into the room this kid and 3 other boys stepped in front of us holding our sisters backpack. I looked over to see Larry getting angry and squeezing shayla's ass on accident and I could tell she was waking up cause she flinched. But Larry didn't noticed so I tapped Larry on the shoulder.

He looked at me with an expression of anger and irritation. So I pointed to Shay telling him to put her down. But he didn't he just kissed her forehead and started talking to her in French so everyone but me could understand.

Larry:" U awake now? "

Shay:" Yes! What's going on?"

Larry:" These fools tryin to fight right now on the first day. They also have ur backpack. So I gonna teach them a lesson. Oki?" He points to the group of 4 boys.

Shayla just nodded.

Lau:" Come here. I don't want u to get hurt. Oki?" I said reaching for her.

Shay:"Yea. Can we get Sam and Len to?" She said letting her arms go from around Larry to me.

Lau:"Yea. Come on." I say grabbing her by the waist so she can rap her legs around me. Once she did that I put my arms under her ass and Started walking to Sam and Len.

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