??? Pt.4

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Shayla POV

I watch at my brothers huge one another with tears fall from there eyes. I couldn't help but smile at what I saw in front of me. The reason I couldn't come the night before is because I went to see Mama and us siblings. Then the day before I went to go see all my friends. So that's why I didn't come sooner, and pulse if I did I knew they were gonna keep me here with them and not leave without one of the with me or me telling them were I went. But back to were I was... My brothers hadn't moved from the position they were in before I was caught up in my thoughts. Idk but i'll be fine cause they only do that when they happy, or scared. I'm guessing its both cause I just showed up out of no were, and i've been gone for over a year. So of course there happy but might be confused. But then there's gonna be a point were i'm gonna have to tell them where I was during these 4 long years they've been coping. I just hope they were alright without me here, because I know when i'm in danger or injured they will wreck any and everyone or thing wanting to protect me.

"Bebe?... U okii?" Laurent said causing me to look at him before smiling.

"Yea, I'm fine just thinking no worry Mon Frèrè." I smiled at him even more as he looked at Larry for conformation. Which was actually good cause I knew he heard my thoughts.

"Okii. But before we do anything else bring it in. Ur big brothers want a huge from u." He said as they both had there arms open.

So I ran into their arms smiling very big. It felt like I was running to my lost father, animal or something. But I guess that's what u would think. Anyways I couldn't help but hide my face in between there warm muscular body's. I was warm to but I was cold a lil do to the fact that the AC is on. Then I felt someone grab my azz which caused me to whimper a lil. I look up to see who it was. When I did I saw Lau bite his lip and Lar smirking. I didn't care tho. Once we were done with that lil moment I help Laurent wash the dishes and then took a quick shower.

30 Minutes Later

I got out the shower and dried my hair and walked out the bathroom. I walked over to my closet and put on a pair of booty shorts and a crop top. Then I combed my hair because I really didn't feel like doing my hair at all so I have it out all the time. When I was done I went down stairs and saw that my brothers had snakes and drinks out. So I was guessing they was having a party here at Johns house. Oh... Yea if u didn't know before we still live at Johns house because he needs the help. I then see john walks from around the corner looking at his phone but then stopped when he saw me. I walked over to him and hugged him. He was kinda shorter then me but I didn't care. Then he went back to what he was doing. So I stared to walk around the living room, kitchen and dinning room. Everything was set up for a party so I went back to the kitchen and got myself a Gingerale then I heard Somewhere in America come on. I went out to the living room and started Twerking and stuff. I couldn't help it, they played it a couple times before when I was younger and I loved the song I just haven't heard in a while cause when I was 6 I was Twerking on Larry while dancing and maman got made at my brothers for putting it on. She really say anything to me because I was young but not that young. I was only 3 years younger then them both.

Soon I felt something behind me and saw it was Larry smirking at me while holding my waist. Which caused me to freeze up because he never did this to me unless he was being over protective again. So I didn't do anything about it I just kept dancing until I felt something pock my azz and a moan. When I looked up all I saw was Larry's head thrown back while Lau and John looked at us. I could tell they was jealous but kept quite and put my focus back on Larry who was now grinding on me. It felt good but I had to stop it before it turns into something we don't want to regret later. So I tried to move but he had a strong grip on my waist which caused me to whimper again. But before he could do anything else the door bell rang. Lau went to go open it but looked at us which made me smile to know he wasn't gonna do anything to Larry. Well not yet anyways... I was about to walk in my room and grabbed my stuff so I can go over Sam's house for the night when Larry whispered in my ear.

"Tonight ur mine, bébé?" He said in a deep voice which caused me to whimper and lay my head back onto his shoulder and close my eyes.

Then I heard someone fake cough and I looked over to see Ayo and Teo with Klondike looking at us all weird. Well Ayo looking like that anyways. Teo and Klondike smiled at us which caused me to blush. But I don't like Larry that way and plus I was dating Teo. That's when Larry let go of me and I walked over to Teo swaying my hips from side to side, causing Klondike to say "Yaaasssss boo u work it." As I spine around and rub Teo's chest til I reached his pants line. But kissed him which caught him off guard. While time everyone except for Teo and Klondike were feruous. I knew that would cause the other men in the house get mad.

I looked over at Ayo and huge him. He huges back and relaxes into my arms. Then i walked over to Klondike and hugged her as well. But I soon let go and went to my room knowing that tonight was gonna be a mess because of what I did. I just hope no one gets killed or hurt tonight all because of somethin stupid.

Larry POV

I was angry at bébé. I knew she did it to tease the rest of us. Bruh... Now i'm horny from watching and letting her twerk on me. It felt good to. I just wish she new how I feel cause I don't know what i'll do with out her. But I didn't want her Lil side dick get in the way of my plans. So I walked over to him and got in his face saying somethin I knew I was gonna regret.

"Touch her and i'll hurt u till u can't feel anything down there." I said smirking a Lil but then frowning now going back to what I was doing before.

To be continued...

Hope y'all like it.

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