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Monday Sep. 4, 2012

Shayla POV

Today is Monday. I woke to my alarm after a dream that horrified so bad I slept in Mama room. But I some how end up in my room again. Like I was sayin' I got up and stretched. Once I was done relaxing some of my tence mussel's I went to the bathroom took a shower then did my hygiene. When I was done I got dress in my Mikey Mouse crop top with some shorts and my black and gray shoe's. My hair was in an afro again.

After I got dressed I went to go wake up Lau and Lar. Laurent was already awake do to the fact Mama would sometimes wake up Laurent before work when she has time. So I have to wake up Larry now. I walked in to his room to only see he was sitting up half sleep. So I walked over to him and kissed his forehead. Then I rubbed his back until he was fully awake.

I got up and walked over to the door then I heard Larry say this.

Larry:" I'm glad u,Oki bébé!" I could tell he was smiled even when my back was turned.

Shay:"Me to Mon Frèrè." I say turning to him and smiled at him.

Then I left and went to go see Laurent. My oldest brother by 2 minutes. Anyways I walked across the hallway and knocked on the door. I waited until I heard a "Come in" from the other side of the door. So I opened the door and I saw him with out his shirt. It was normal. Because him and Larry were shirtless half the time when they just being lazy on the weekends or if there's no school. I walked over to him and gave him a huge. Then I got on his bed and then kissed his check. Because i'm short I can't really reach them unless they sit down.

After I gave him a kiss i went to my room and grabbed my backpack then went downstairs and ate breakfast. While i put my dish away both my brothers came down and got there plates. While they hurried to eat I sat on the couch and waited for them. Then I heard someone's phone rang. I looked up to see Laurent and Larry standing in front of me.

I noticed Lau on his phone as we walked out the house and downstairs through the shop and now outside. Then Lau stopped and looked up nervous. So I stopped and looked at him. He looked at me then Larry before talking.

Lau:" My girlfriend wants to pick me and Larry up for school. But I was thinking that if we do imma break up with her because I bearly do stuff at home and spend time with my family. I am also nervous. What should I do?" He asked as we walked to the car.

Lar:" Then do it. Just tell her i'm gonna drop off bébé first and meet u guys there. Oki?"

Lau:" Oki. What about u shay?" He asked getting really nervous because he likes my and Larry's opinions, even Mama.

Shay:" It Oki wit me if u agree as well." I say smiling at him.

Lau:"Oki then. It settled...I'm gonna break up with Jessica then. Here she comes now. Well here goes nothin. I'll see u guys later."

Lar:" Bye, Lau." He said dapping up Laurent as he walked away.

Shay:" Bye, Bye." I said waving.

Lunch time

Laurent POV

Right now I have a bad felling about somethin, but I can't put my finger on it. So I walked over to Larry and sat down next to him. Once I was seated I laied my head on his shoulder. I could tell he was concern because Larry started rubbing my back.

Lar:" What's wrong Lau?" He asked.

Lau:" Something's wrong. I feel it but don't know what. And I hurt all over right now." I whined.

Lar:" U probably just sick. Do u wanna go to the nurse?" He asked lifting my head my head to make me look him in the eyes.

Lau:" Yes but no. If u want me to go then i'll go." I said closing my eyes.

Lar:" Laurent look at me." *Looks* "U going Oki?"

Lau:" Oki."

Meanwhile with Shayla

Shayla POV

It was lunch time and I was sitting with Sam and Len. They were both were talkin about how my brothers were cute again. It started to give me a more of a head ace. But I just smiled. Then I felt someone behind me so I turn and saw people who I didn't feel like seeing today.

Shayla:" Ayo....Teo...What do u guys want?" I said irritated.

Ayo:" We need to talk. Now." He said pulling my hair.

Shay:" Ow. Stop that hurts." I yelled for him to stop.

Teo:"Bro stop can't u tell she's hurt." He said in a calm.

Ayo:" Fine. But i'm horny bro." He said letting me go

Shay:" If ur horny then do it urself. U nasty a** mother f***ker." I said  leaning against the locker.

Ayo:" U son of a..."

???:" Don't u dare touch her Ayleo."

To Be Continued...

A/N- Sorry this chapter is late. But I hope u guys like it. It might not have been the best. See u guys in the next one. ✌💗😈

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