Episode 12 - Little Protector

455 20 0

*Year 2018*



   "Daddy. Up up." Misha put his arms up, wiggling his fingers in the process.

   I stopped and picked him up and continued walking down the marbled floor of the shopping mall, looking for something for Mike.

   Mike didn't need anything, actually. He had everything. But small gifts could make him happy, especially when Misha and I brought it home for him.

   We just came from the arcade, and boy, Misha was a handful. He tried every single game even though he had no knowledge about playing them properly.

   He wasn't even finished with one game and he would just leave it and proceeded to the next.

   But it was fun indeed. I wanted to take Misha there again sometime.

   But what I liked the most was the fruit game where the prize was tickets that were to be exchanged with stuffed toys.

   And stuffed toys were the only ones occupying the paper bag I was carrying.

   "You're getting heavier each day, baby."

   I held him using both of my arms as I continued walking, the paper bag hanging on my elbow.

   "What does it mean?"

   I reached for the collar of his navy blue short-sleeved polo shirt and adjusted it a little.

   "It means that you're growing up." I smiled at him.

   "Really? Am I gonna be as tall as Dad?" He looked at me innocently and fiddled with the fabric of my button up shirt.

   "Yeah. And as handsome."

   "I like that!" He beamed at me, placing his left hand on the back of my neck.

   Three years had been the busiest and happiest time of my life. Especially when Misha started crawling and eventually, walking.

   I had to be always on watch and alert because he liked to climb, well, every elevation in our house. Very much so. The sofa, tables, cabinets, stairs, recliners. You name it, Misha had already climbed it.

   And boy, my heart would always stop beating whenever he disappeared from my sight only to find him already sitting on top of something, smiling innocently at me.

   A walker was no solution, he would just climb out of it and do his thing. Climbing.

   So, to avoid accidents, and me having a heart attack, take note of that, I set aside doing chores while Misha was up and active. And when he was knocked out, that was only when I put out our mess and helped Mike with his paperworks as much as I could.

   Though Mike always told me to just focus on Misha, I still insisted that I'd help him and promised to always put Misha first.

   It was physically taxing and I felt like a housewife, really. But, yeah, anything for Misha and Mike.

   "Daddy, I need to pee."

   "You can pee. You're wearing diapers."

   He scrunched up his nose with a cute pout, shaking his head as his soft bouncy brown locks swayed on his forehead with the movement of his head.

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