Episode 18 - Love And Forgiveness

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   I threw the single white rose in my hand and it landed above the ivory coffin that was being pulled down six feet under.

   I stared at the pure white rose as it was slowly being buried with the coffin.

   With mom.

   Why fate must be so unfair to me?

   All my life, I had never hurt anybody. I never stepped on anyone. I never harmed even one soul.

   All my life, all I wanted to keep was the welfare of my family. Their safety. Their happiness. Their presence.

   But why must heavens be so blind to see that?

   Why must heavens take the ones I loved away from me?

   I looked down at the part of the coffin that hadn't been concealed with soil. I could still see the rose I threw.

   It was as though it was waving me a goodbye. It looked like it was smiling.

   It also looked sad.

   It looked like mom.


   My chest tightened in unwavering pain as I let my eyes blur with lonely tears.

   Soon, people who mourned with us started to go. I felt some of them approached me and gave my shoulders a sympathetic pat.

   Though I was grateful, I couldn't thank them. I couldn't bring myself to say any word but the word "Mom."

   She was all in my head.

   She was all in my heart.

   She was everything to me. And now she was gone.

   I looked up at the skies and said a little prayer. No, skies were not in sight, only clouds.

   Dark ones.

   Even the skies were mourning for us as specs of white started to fall to the ground.

   In other circumstance, I would be excited to dance with the snow. I would bathe in the coldness it brought. I would love to feel the softness of it against my skin.

   It was beautiful.

   It was enchanting.

   But now all I could see was frozen tears falling from weeping skies, and all it represented was how cold I felt on the inside.

   The silence of its descend was similar to my tears. The somber swaying of every snowflake mirrored the solemnity of this moment.

   The gloominess that came with it resembled my sullen heart. My heart that was quite forlorn of hope. Hope to be happy again.

   Hope to be the same again.

   I used to have a lot of hope. For hope drove people to strive. But now, hope wasn't something that occupied my heart.

   I felt two arms engulfed me. The warmth they brought fought the coldness in the air but failed to warm my soul.

   I turned to Sky and clung onto his arm against my chest.

SEASONS of LOVE 2 The Series - Winter : When Snow Falls ✔Where stories live. Discover now