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Love is staring in the face of beauty
and asking it to touch you
So that maybe you can feel what it's like to be beautiful,
even if only for a second
And that second will fade just as quickly as it came,
but in that second you'll feel as if the world has stopped turning just for you
And that second will suddenly feel like years you will linger in
Like a child in a waiting pool asking for five more minutes
Except this isn't as shallow as a waiting pool
It feels as deep as the ocean will go
It will feel as if you touched what everyone thinks is the very bottom,
but you still know there's more underneath
So you keep going
Then in your search you'll realize you forgot how to breathe,
and that you're plunged underwater with what feels like little escape
At first you are terrified of drowning,
but as the time ticks by you see the beauty unfold around you
What was once cold water
becomes a warm embrace
By then you'll forget you even need to breathe,
and you're still plunged underwater,
but you don't want an escape

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