New love feels like taking a drag from a cigarette you've been waiting all day for
It'll go down smooth until it hits the depths of your lungs
And you have to take time to cough and catch your breath
Because you took too big of a drag,
and you'll wonder to yourself how you managed to do that
Because you swore you had it down to a science
But then comes the discovery that every brand is different,
with some containing more nicotine than others
because they were all made differently
And that's how people are
with some being more addictive than others
And then you find the one brand of person that you can't quit
Because everything about them is so addictive
The drawl of their voice
The light behind what they think are dull eyes
The steadiness of their hands as they move across you
The way strands of their hair feel when they slip between your fingers
And sometimes you take too big of a drag off their essence,
and your lungs feel debilitated
Until they breathe the life back into you
Sacrifice their own air supply
To inflate the lungs that you deemed useless
Poetry|3rd place poetry in The Butterfly Awards 2019 🦋| There are times in life where you become consumed by thoughts of many things. Instead of letting them overtake you, express them.