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It was another day in the life, but at least that meant the young woman named Mila Reyes was just one day closer to her ultimate vacation. She was currently laid on her stomach with her laptop in front of her, staring absently at the math homework that was due in a few hours while daydreaming about Disney World.

"Hey, if you don't ace this math midterm, I'm not letting you go to Disney," her roommate said as she walked into the room. Her name was Ashley and she was a stereotypical white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, though there was nothing average about her. Despite her beauty, she came with the brains as well. Mila always thought that when they stood next to each other, Ashley made her brown hair and brown eyes look dull. To cheer her up, Ashley would say, "At least you have a kick ass tan year round."

Mila laughed at this. She closed the laptop to take a break as she rolled over on her back and said, "Too late! Everything has already been paid for!" Ashley just rolled her eyes playfully and sat on the edge of her queen sized bed. She opened her mouth to speak only to be interrupted by a knock on the door. It was six o'clock on a Wednesday evening. It prompted the question, "And who could that be?"

It was Ashley that answered the door while Mila returned to homework after the two minute break. Judging by the loud and overdramatic sigh, Mila knew that it was her boyfriend that Ashley wasn't the most fond of. He greeted her before coming into Mila's bedroom despite Ashley's dismay. She kept saying, "She's doing homework! Don't bother her!"

Vincent just smiled at this although Ashley was not joking. He kissed Mila on her cheek before sitting on the bed next to her to see what kind of math homework she was working on. She shot an apologetic smile towards Ashley who just shook her head and walked back to her own room.

He said, "Almost done with your homework? I wanna take to you out."

"On a Wednesday? During midterms?" Mila hardly looked up at him from her laptop. He ran a hand through his brown hair and nodded. She said nothing else as she continued to work problems out on the notebook next to her and click the answers.

After no direct response, he sang, "So? Yes?"

"No. Sorry, babe, but I only have one midterm left and we'll have time to go out when I'm not as stressed over them."

"But you're going to Disney next week and when you come back, you're going out of town for the lacrosse tournaments."

She shrugged, "Well, I invited you to come to both of those."

He furrowed his eyebrows as if that should have been rhetorical when she asked the first time. He said, "I can't miss the Super Bowl weekend nor do I want to drive two hours out of town for a lacrosse game."

Mila scoffed at this. She submitted her homework online and closed the laptop for the final time that night. She then stood up from the bed and crossed her arms. "I'm getting cranky. I think you should leave."

"Babe," he tried to retaliate. At this point, he was only pushing his luck. He didn't care. "I'm just saying that it's a little ridiculous that you're going to Disney for four days... isn't that a bit much? It's so last minute."

"It's already done," she said in a stern voice, further emphasizing how annoyed she was. He finally decided to drop it and sighed. Vincent sat at the edge of the bed now and pulled her between his legs. He said, "I'm sorry, baby, our schedules can just be so conflicting. We always make it work, though."

She nodded, feeling a little better. She wished Vincent could at least go to her lacrosse game or to Disney World with her because she was recreating old photos and it would have been really cute for them to do together.

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