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Chris arrived in a car that grabbed less attention this time. Mila would have never guessed that it was him driving the red Dodge Challenger that had just pulled up and skidded to a stop if he hadn't stepped out with an umbrella and ran to her where she stood at the sidewalk. A few of the sprinkles of rain that had just began to fall already landed on her hair, but not enough for her to even notice that it was starting to rain in the first place until she saw his umbrella.
He was wearing dark blue denim jeans, fitted to his waist and straight legged all the way down. A pair of plain black sneakers with a black tee shirt completed his outfit with a matching denim blue hat and shades despite the gloomy skies. With his left hand holding the umbrella and his right hand at the low of her back, he guided Mila and opened the door for her before he closed it and shook the umbrella off to run to his side of the car.
"I'm surprised the paparazzi isn't camping out in the parking lot somewhere," he said, turning on the heater to a low setting. It was a hot spring in Georgia, but when it rained, the wind blew and made for chilly weather for an evening.
She nodded and asked, "Are you ready for your flight tomorrow?"
Chris had asked for one last movie night because tomorrow afternoon he would be driven to the airport by security. It was about a four hour flight and he usually slept through them or spent the time going over scripts.
She was surprised to see him shrug at this. He pondered it for a moment before he finally answered, "No, absolutely not. I've been having too much fun! I didn't even get to see where you grew up! Maybe next time."
Next time.
She smiled at that, assuming and hoping that there would be a next time. He looked over and saw her smiling to herself. He grabbed her hand that was in her lap with his other still on the steering wheel and gave it a gentle squeeze. As if reading her mind, he said, "Believe me, there will be a next time."
With that, he changed the topic ever so smoothly. Once they had arrived to the hotel resembling a castle, he asked her to stay in the car until he could come around with the umbrella. As terrible timing as it was, the rain came down harder as soon as he parked the car to do so. It was heavier and raining at an angle thanks to the occasional wind, but that didn't stop Chris from keeping the umbrella over mostly her own head rather than his.
They had almost made it to the back entrance when everything happened all at once. A sharp flash of lightning from the distance was followed by the crackle of thunder that boomed, surrounding them. At that same instant, a gust of wind so strong could be heard whistling before it became louder and actually brushed them. It blew the umbrella up and out of his hands.
Both of their eyes widened as the umbrella floated with the wind for a few short seconds before falling and skidding along the concrete of the parking lot. Chris turned to look at her, eyebrows raised and mouth slightly party as the rain attacked them from what felt like different directions. One look at him sent Mila into a fit of laughter where Chris soon joined her. He knew exactly what he wanted to do as soon as his eyes met hers.
Despite the wind blowing her wet, now stringy hair all over the place, he moved a few stray strands out of her faces. He cupped her cheeks and pulled Mila in, meeting her in the middle. Their noses were only inches apart as he took the time to really study her brown eyes up close. Her own eyes scanned his before going down to his lips before he brought them to hers.
It started off sweet and there was almost an innocence to it. With Chris not wanting to ruin or change a single thing about something he has never experienced and with Mila allowing herself to be vulnerable to the feeling they each had from each other, there was certainly such a freeing feeling as it was like nothing else they had been used to.
But this kiss lasted much longer than the first. In fact, they were both determined to make it last until the very last moment that they were allowed.
His hands slid from the sides of her face down, where his right hand held the back of her neck to firmly keep her against him and the other went down to her waist, squeezing her. With one hand on his chest and the other moving up to run through his now wet hair, Mila was also pulling him towards her in what almost felt like taboo.
Soon enough, he was leading her body backwards with his own before he had her against the brick wall next to the back entrance's door to the hotel. Harder kisses, longing kisses, much anticipated kisses were now being given and returned with soft lips and short breaks in between to breathe only a little before going back to each other. It was only when the back entrance door could be heard opening did both of them pull away with Chris stumbling to her side and covering her identity with his own body from whoever it may have been.
The person was some janitor going to the dumpster with a single trash bag. After such a long shift, the janitor hardly noticed the two next to the door.
Chris turned from that direction back to Mila, looking down at her. He was breathing a bit more heavily than she was. She smiled and asked, "Do you kiss every girl you meet at Disney in the rain?"
"Only the one that has a hold on me named Mila Reyes," he smiled back, pulling her by the hand and opening the door to the hotel for her.
Once upstairs and changed into pajamas, Chris set up the projector once again. This time, they found themselves snuggled much closer than they did the other night with movie marathons.
In and out of conversation about the movies Chris had picked out, including but not limited to Sleeping Beauty and Hercules and the original Robin Hood, at some point, they had both ended up falling asleep. Mila was initially laying back on a pillow with her head slightly upright against the headboard before it tilted in her sleep, landing on the chest of Chris who was sitting more upright than her against the headboard. His chest lightly bobbed up and down with his breath, and not much longer after, he found his own head tilted towards Mila's beneath him.
It was the next morning when Mila was waking up but couldn't bring herself to open her eyes completely. She stretched her legs and thought that this was way too comfy to risk getting out of bed. With that in mind, she snuggled into what she thought was her pillow but was really the pectoral muscle of Chris who was just beginning to wake up. Not wanting to disturb her sleep, he just reached over to his phone to scroll absently while the television played in the background. What was on the projector had since switched from the Disney movies of the night before to some gossiping television show. It was like this for almost an entire hour where he let Mila lay on him while he checked emails and replied to different people with Mila not even realizing what, or who, she was laying on.
When she began fidgeting in her sleep is when she finally turned to her side. That was Chris's cue to get up to use the restroom as slowly as he could so as to not completely wake her. It was of no use. As soon as he even tried to move his legs from the bed to the floor, she slowly picked her head up from where she lay and turned back to look at him. Realizing her surroundings, she sprung forward with big eyes. "Did I drool all over you?"
It was the first thing she asked. It was so pure and innocent, Chris couldn't help but let out a noise of pure awe before shaking his head. He leaned forward only a few inches and said, "Good morning, sunshine."
He was about to lean forward even more as if to kiss her forehead from the angle he was in, but the same thing caught their attention and made them stop for just a moment.
"Miranda joins us today to squash the rumors of Chris Evans finally moving on," a tabloid reporter introduced. At this point, Mila had looked from Chris to the projected television show on the wall while he closed his eyes tightly from how annoyed he was.
An unfamiliar blonde woman was now on the screen. Her hair was perfectly straightened with not a single stray strand in sight. She had lips covered seemingly effortlessly with red lipstick with a perfect Cupid's bow center, as if she was permanently puckering. She was dressed in a plunging v-neck red dress made of a tight, matte material that squeezed her curves and showed plenty of cleavage. Mila had never seen her before, but she was sure that her wardrobe consisted of similar things to show off her flawless body. Her olive pale skin lacked a single blemish, from the exposed arms up to the wrinkle-free forehead.
"Thank you for having me," her smooth voice said, almost as if she had been preparing for this for a long while, or as if she had done this before so many times.
By then Chris had started slowly shaking his head before opening his sealed eyes to look up at the ceiling with annoyance.
"We have to really respect his decision right now. This break-up hasn't been easy for either of us. I think he may be having a phase where he wants to be seen with someone who isn't in the spotlight like how I am. I think he may also be wanting to feel young again. That's probably why he's with someone like this girl. She's twenty, right?"
Mila didn't even know the woman, yet she couldn't help but roll her eyes. She was twenty-three years old! Almost twenty-four!
Her response seemed to satisfy the reporter sitting next to Miranda, considering how she was nodding her head to every word. As if it wasn't enough, Miranda went on. She said, "As someone who knows Chris better than he knows himself, I think it is fine to let him experiment to cope with things."
At that point, Chris had rolled out of the bed and shoved his finger at the power button to the projector. He began to say, "Mila..."
"Maybe we shouldn't be doing this," she started with no particular direction. She wanted to face palm herself for how stupid she sounded. Doing this? Doing what? Getting played by a movie star?
"Mila," he trailed off again, struggling to find the words.
Although she was lacking words as well, she was still one step ahead of him. She quickly came up with something. "You should finish packing."
Luckily her overnight bag was already packed and she didn't need to hang around for much longer. She only grabbed her phone charger from the wall along with her phone and wallet. She headed for the door. He called out her name for the third time and even tried to pull her by the wrist, but she was already too far at that point.
Chris could have easily ran after her through the rest of the suite or even the hallway down to the elevator, but he was actually scared. He was scared that this was ruined for him. He was scared that he was only going to make it worse for himself. Whether his gut instinct was right or not, it was currently telling him to let her walk away and cool off before he attempted to call her later to talk about things, if she would even answer.
The last thing he heard was the door to the suite closing gently behind her on the way out. Now with only the deafening silence of the room to keep him company, he punished himself by thinking about the worst case scenarios for him and his Disney girl as he packed up the last bit of his things for the flight back.
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Author's Note
Thanks to you guys, we hit 4K reads!! Thank you all SO MUCH! I love seeing that you guys are voting and commenting and that new people are adding this to their reading lists!! :')

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