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Disney World was everything that she imagined. Every single "cast member" did their part to truly make it the happiest place on Earth, and so it was, at least in her little world. It was just as she remembered from five years ago, but even better if possible. Mila was joined by her two sisters, Elena and Rosa, and the best part about it was that they were enjoying it just as much as her.

Elena was the oldest at twenty-five and Rosa was the youngest at thirteen. The three of them looked like spitting images of their mother: naturally tanned skin, brown eyes, brown hair, freckled faces, and long legs meant to be shown off. The only difference between the three is that both Elena and Rosa kept their hair short while Mila enjoyed the different styles she could do with hers, though lately it's been in a bun due to practice and pure laziness.

The first day was simple. It was devoted to exploring the resort they were staying in since they had gotten there around five in the afternoon. They would take the time to explore where they were staying and get settled in. Every article she read online about planning a Disney trip recommended devoting an entire day to each of the four kingdoms as well as one for the resort since there was so much to see around every corner. Since she only had four days, one would be devoted to animal kingdom, one would be devoted to magic kingdom, and the two smaller parks, Epcot and Hollywood Studios, would be divided up on the final day.

Her oldest sister, Elena, began to ask before she was cut off, "What park are we even-"

"Animal kingdom!" Mila nearly screamed from her bed. She was already tucked in and ready to catch up on beauty sleep since tomorrow would be jam packed with things to do.

Both of her sisters just stared at her with wide eyes. They were also excited for this Disney trip that they had been planning for months, but Mila was the one who has been dying to come back since high school.

Rosa, the youngest, asked, "Why are you in bed at nine? You're the one who wanted to be here so bad, so shouldn't you be off the walls and staying up late?"

Mila looked at her little sister like that was a trick question. She only laughed and replied, "Animal kingdom is the biggest of the four parks. You better get your sleep now because, between walking and waiting in line, you're gonna need a nap and some energy drinks!"

They all just laughed at this. They had managed to save enough to go big with a suite in which they each had their own room. At the moment, they were all sprawled out on Mila's bed on their phones before returning to their own rooms.

"I haven't heard from Vinny all day," Mila said, not looking up from her phone.

Elena, being the oldest and wisest, said, "Girl, put your pride aside and call first." Mila rolled her eyes at this. Why should she have to? She was the last to message him last night. Then she began to think that she was just being childish. She sighed and pressed his name on her "Favorites" list and it immediately dialed him. A few rings later, there was no response.

"Whatever," Mila wasn't going to let it put her in a bad mood, at least not while she was in the happiest place on Earth.

Her sisters tried to console her and provide reasons that only made Mila slightly more irritated. Rosa suggested, "Maybe he just went to sleep early." Mila knew that was impossible for a number of reasons. It was nine o'clock on a Saturday night. He was a college boy in a frat. No one that met that description ever really went to bed that early. She just dropped it and pulled her silky sleep mask over her eyes. The conversations between her two sisters still on her bed provided much needed background noise for her to fall asleep.

Their alarms all went off around six in the morning, though Mila was the only one to enthusiastically roll out of her bed and get started with her morning routine. The other two sisters only began getting ready close to eight o'clock, and that was due to Mila begging for them to hurry so they could be closer to the front of the line to get in when the park opened at nine.

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