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"You know that's all bullshit," Chris spat.

His arms were crossed as both Ashley and Dominique showed him different snippets from the interview that were being posted on social media and inevitably talked about. He knew it was only a matter of time before Henry would be down his throat, chewing him out for rumors and talking about damage control. He didn't want to think about that. He only wanted to think about Mila and the state she was in.

Dominique frowned, wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt, but Ashley was a bit more protective about what was going on, especially considering she knew Vince personally.

"What the hell is she talking about then?"

"I don't know! I haven't had an actual conversation with her in weeks. She has tried calling me, texting me, dropping hints on social media, and I don't know where she comes up with this stuff."

Ashley sighed, scrolling through Twitter hashtags related to the TMZ interview they had the displeasure of just watching. Her stomach was knotted and she couldn't imagine how Mila must feel. Before she could even have time to think of a reply, Chris stood up from the couch. He said, "I need to talk to her."

"Woah," she stopped him, standing up and getting in front of him, "but waking her up from a sad nap is going to dig a hole deeper for you. Don't you know that by now considering all the times you called her while she slept due to the time difference? I could hear her attitude from across the hall."

Normally, that would've made him laugh. He was too on edge to even think about anything besides making Mila feel better and clearing this up. What would she want him to do to fix this? Make a video addressing it? Do an interview with that same TMZ person? Leave her alone so she could attempt a normal life after all this blows over? He couldn't come up with any reasonable answer, but he would need Mila's help for that.

He said nothing as he walked around Ashley and didn't hesitate to go into his own guest bedroom.

The sniffles confirmed that she hadn't fallen asleep yet. He was both relieved and saddened by this. Her back was to the door, so Mila didn't know if it was Ashley, Dominique, or Chris who had just walked in. Either way, she lacked the energy to turn around and look.

However, the way the bed dipped when he sat down next to her and the way his cologne smelled told her everything that she needed to know. He didn't hesitate to kick off his shoes and lay down next to her, above the covers. He rubbed her back. The only words he could initially come up with were, "None of it is true, princess."

Again, she lacked the energy to give Chris a piece of her mind. She was hurting. This was far worse than anything that had happened in the last few short months of being seen with him. All she could respond with was, "Why would they do that? Why is it anyone's business?"

"Welcome to my world. This is every day for me. And you don't deserve this."

She finally turned around to face him and it was just as heartbreaking. Looking at her swollen eyes and puffy cheeks wasn't easy for him. He almost felt guilty, like he could have done something to keep this all from happening.

"Neither do you. We deserve the truth. Please tell me," Mila sounded like she was going to say more, but her voice cracked and she began to cry again.

With his thumb, he wiped the tears away and nodded. He understood and it was easy enough for him to answer. "Mila, you are singlehandedly the person that makes me the happiest. We may be the only two who know the truth, but it's so worth it and I know you know that past all these tabloids and the ones to come. Remember? I told you it would get worse. I have never lied to you and I never will."

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