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Everything has been great since Billie came back home. We've spent so much time together and she's even gone to all my recent doctor's appointments for the baby. Everything has been a dream.

Me and Billie were chilling in our room. I was looking for some things I should start getting for the baby. I eventually got bored and closed my computer. I took a deep breath and sighed.

I looked at Billie who would usually ask me if I was okay but she didn't. She just continued to scroll through Instagram. I didn't really think much of it. I laid on her chest and snuggled my face in between her boobs. She shifted uncomfortably and sighed.

I could tell she was becoming aggravated so I sat up and put my hand on her thigh. She shot up and gave me a death stare while moving to where her back was towards me.

"Billie?" No answer

"Bils?" This time she looked at me with more annoyance then I've ever seen before.

"What" she replied harshly

"Are you okay baby?" I said in a low tone

She just stared at me. I was starting to get annoyed. I looked at her getting upset.

"Well? Are you gonna answer me?" I said finally

It seemed by me saying that only made her more upset

"Y/N can you just stop asking me fucking questions!" She says raising her voice looking me straight in the eyes. Her eyes had turned a darker blur signaling she was pissed but I kept going.

"No Billie I can't. What's wrong with you?" I ask getting up walking to the side of the bed she was sitting on even though the doctor had told me the day before to stay off my feet because my ankles were swelling really bad and she knew this.

"Y/N does it ever occur to you I get tired of you nagging me and shit. Leave me the fuck alone Y/N!!" She yelled finally getting up making me back away.

Billie scared me when she got like this. It broke my heart that something is making her like this. I was only trying to be a good girlfriend. Maybe she was right. Maybe I do nag her all the time. I don't ever mean too though. I guess she's just saying all this out of anger. Right??

I instantly felt hot tears run down my face. The expression on her face change from anger to instant regret. She started walking towards me.

My body kind of froze in place. I would've run if I didn't feel like I was stuck. When she reached me she pulled me into her embrace and we stood there in silence.

After what felt like forever she stood back to look at me and used her thumb to wipe away my tears. She pulled me back into her warm embrace. I melted into her embrace as always. It never gets old and I'll never get tired of it.

Then Billie finally spoke.

"Y/N I'm sorry. I just didn't have the best day today and I shouldn't be taking it out on you. I don't wanna stress you and the little one." she says gently while looking down and touching my stomach.

I smile and kiss her softly.

"I love you bils and I just hated seeing you bothered." I say looking up at her

"I know mamas I'll do my best to tell you when something is bothering me so I don't take it out on you."

I smile as she says that

We've been together for six years and shes slowly started opening up. She's more open now then she's ever been and I'm so grateful that she is.

I chuckle and she kisses me again.

"Wanna cuddle mamas? I know your ankles hurt my love." she says grabbing my hand, leading me over to the bed

My ankles at this point did hurt really bad but it was worth everything.

"Always bils" I say walking behind her to our bed

As we laid down and got comfortable I cuddled into Billie's chest.

I slowly drifted off to sleep as Billie played with my hair and sung to me. Her voice always made me feel safe and calm.

Before drifting off to sleep completely Billie whispered into my ear

"I love you mamas, forever" and with that, I was fully asleep.

A/N: Should I do a face reveal??? Btw I have a smut coming tomorrow or the next day. I don't know yet. I love you guyssss sm!!😘😘

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