twenty nine

21 5 2

cigarettes: how did things go with mali

cherry: great

cherry: my mum and dad both love her and wont stop talking about her everytime they see me

cigarettes: mhm

cigarettes: im glad it all worked out

cherry: yeah

cherry: one less thing to worry about

cigarettes: hah

cherry: are you alright ash? you've seemed off for a while, like, since the whole sierra thing happened

cigarettes: what yeah im cool

cherry: ive known you five years and i've never once heard you say 'cool'

cigarettes: do you know who michael clifford is?

cherry: yeah, the annoying douche who's hair walks in the room before he does.

cherry: course i know him

cherry: what about him?

cigarettes: i had sex with him

cherry: oh

cherry: right

cigarettes: yea

cherry: when? and why?

cigarettes: last night when your parents were meeting your new girlfriend.

cherry: i didn't know you and him were close like that

cigarettes: we aren't

cherry: then.. why??

cigarettes: i had to take my mind off of you

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