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later that evening, luke proposed we get food. i thought he meant order in, but he told me he was in the mood to go out so i got dressed and followed him out the door. i was surprised he was letting me tag along when the first night he didn't even walk me to the car.

something i've learned about luke was that he's very horny, all the time. even when we were in the elevator, he pressed me up against the wall and made out with me.

when we came into the lobby, there were quite a good amount of people in the area. it made me suddenly remember how many times luke had marked me and the slightly limp to my walk. i tried to walk normally next to luke and let my hair fall around me so that no one could see.


luke looked back and quickly rolled his eyes. i felt my own widen as the other three members of the band made their way over to him.

"what?" luke asked, already annoyed.

"we were going to ask if you wanted to come out with us? we are going to out to a show. there should be some cool music there." calum told him.

"not in the mood for music." luke shrugged and stuck his hands in his sweater pockets.

"you're not in the mood for music?" calum echoed.

michael scoffed, "this is why i said we shouldn't invite him. he is clearly busy." he gestured to me, making me shift uncomfortably.

"fuck off, yeah?" luke warned michael.

"yeah, or what?" he challenged.

"why don't we just go? luke's shown what his priorities are for the past few months now. nothing new." ashton said cooly.

"see you around, natalie." michael sneered, yet it was actually directed towards luke and not me.

"how do you—" luke began.

"we could hear you screaming from our rooms." calum answered. ashton walked away first, leading the others as they brushed past us and disappeared out of the hotel.

i didn't feel excited to see any of them anymore obviously. i was embarrassed that the image they had of me was me under luke but that was my fault for telling him to say my
name so loudly just to be petty. i also felt sad to see how much bitterness there was between the bandmates for a reason i didn't understand. part of me wanted to comfort luke and ask him if he was okay, but the other part of me knew he wouldn't confide in me anyways.

"are you okay?" i asked tentatively.

"m'fine, let's just go." he responded and led me out of the hotel and straight into an awaiting car. luke stared out the window silently until we arrived at a small pizzeria.

luke didn't wait for me. he just opened the door and walked in as i rushed after him. the driver gave me a pitied sort of look which i ignored. luke had already sat down with his back facing the door so i slid into the booth across from him.

"i'm gonna get us a pie." he told me, looking over at the menu. "what do you like?"

"anything." i shrugged.

the waitress came over and luke rudely order a cheese pie and soda. she turned to me awkwardly, clearly thinking she had done something wrong.

"can i have a lemonade please?" i asked her, offering her a small smile. she reciprocated it and nodded, taking our menus and scurrying off. i turned to luke and said, "you didn't need to be so short with her. she's just doing her job."

"i miss when you were too scared to even day anything to me." luke commented, playing with a napkin.

"well, since you've been so cold i think i've earned the right to say something." i shot back.

luke grinned crookedly and said, "relax, babe. i was kidding."

"don't call me 'babe.'" i mumbled and crossed my arms. luke surprised me by leaning over the table and pulling my arms down, pressing an open mouth kiss on my lips. i moaned and allowed him to use his tongue on me before he pulled back.

"shut up, natalie." he murmured against my lips. i rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me.

"i can't believe i was ever a fan of you." i said.

"do you think the crust is thin?" he asked randomly. i shook my head and looked at the waitress who brought our drinks.

"thank you." i said and took a sip.

"why did you get lemonade?" luke asked with furrowed brows.

"why do you ask so many questions?" i groaned and leaned my cheek on my hand. "i should get home after this."

"no." luke whined childishly. i raised my brows at him as the pizza was placed in front of us. he grabbed two slices before i could even grab one.

"aw, are you gonna miss me?" i cooed sarcastically.

"yeah, i'll miss you bouncing on my dick." he snorted. i nearly choked on my pizza slice and grimaced, wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"you're disgusting." i spat.

"you weren't saying that this morning. or last night. or five minutes ago. or in the elevator. or the first night—" he counted off on his fingers.

"okay, i get it!" i snapped at him.

i ended up having two slices and a half while luke ate four and the rest of my third. i had no idea how he could eat so much and not put on any weight. i, on the other hand, screwed up my metabolism when i was thirteen because i decided to try and not eat anything to lose weight and ended up now not being able to gain anything which was my goal, but ended up being my curse.

when we got back into the car, i told the man my address and we drove to my apartment, which wasn't that far. i was kind of embarrassed for luke to see it, considering he was staying at an insanely nice hotel, but i tried to ignore the feeling. there was nothing i could do anyways.

"when's your mum going on that trip again?" luke asked me,
tugging my hand so i went onto his lap.

"next month, so about two weeks, i guess." i told him. i wanted to run my fingers through his hair or brush it from his eyes, but that'd be too intimate for what we are.

"so i get you all to myself." he licked his lips hungrily and cupped the back of my neck to bring me to his lips. our mouths danced together until the car pulled over to a stop.

"i gotta go." i whispered, breathing heavily on his lips but continuing to sit and not go anywhere.

"i'll see you soon." he smirked.

i looked into his blue eyes and admired them before snapping out of my trance. i moved off his lap and yelped when i felt his hand smack my butt.

"luke!" i hissed, kicking him.

"see you, babe." he winked at me.

"don't call me 'babe.'"

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