Chapter 7

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After sitting on the couch for awhile, they got up and went to do chores around the house. Don had a meeting with an investor later in the afternoon. He didn't really like the idea of leaving Meryl here in this house by herself. He thought of asking Maeve to come over, but knew Meryl would shut that down. She wanted to get things back to normal and to not be so hesitant. Meryl was fine with staying home alone for a little bit. She told him that she would have dinner made by the time he was home. So with that he left for his meeting and told Meryl he'd be back in 2 hours at the latest.


"What? We're out of milk" Meryl said frustrated. The recipe called for 2 cups of milk.

She decided that she was going to have to go get some at the store even though they were just there. 'How could she forget the milk' she thought to herself. She grabbed her coat, purse, and keys. She knew that she would make it make in time for dinner to still be ready before don gets back. She left the house and sped to the store.


"These are some great ideas you have here Don" said Tony the investor.

"Thanks I've had a lot of free time on my hands the past few weeks. I just started brainstorming and this all came to my head" Don said sitting back down.

"Well your art would be perfect in my building. I was looking for more of a modern and easy going sculpture and from the looks of these, I've found it" Tony said shaking hands with Don.

"Great. When do you want it done. I'm open until March" Don said looking at his calendar.

"Whenever you get to it would be good. I'm in no hurry take your time" tony said grabbing his coat.

"Alright. I'll call when I have the layout and than it's pretty much finished" he said shaking hands with him again.

"Thank you again. Have a good night" tony said to don.

Don waved to him and shut the door. Another successful meeting with a great guy he got to know over the years. He decided to put his things away and head home, his meeting lasted for longer that he thought. Time slipped. He locked the door and got in the car to go home. He hoped Meryl wouldn't be mad and that they could still  have a relaxing night.


"Nice timing, I just got the casserole out of the oven" Meryl said setting the table.

Don walked to her and kissed her cheek before hanging his coat up.

"Looks delicious. Sorry I'm a bit late, the meeting ran longer than I thought" don said sitting down in his spot at the table.

"It's fine I had to run to the store to get milk anyways" Meryl said bring the casserole to the table.

Meryl sat down and put some casserole on her plate. Don did the same and they chatted about his meeting. He told her it went fine and that he had to start up on this new sculpture soon. After they ate they did the dishes together. Once done with the dishes they went to watch a movie.


"Ohhh Don Casablanca is on" Meryl said shouting from the couch.

Don came into the living room with popcorn and water.

"Oh goodie, just want I want to watch" Don said joking.

Meryl laughed and ate some of the popcorn he made. They were laying on the couch watching the movie and we're enjoying each other's company.


It was 11 o'clock at night and Meryl was passed out on Don's shoulder. The movie was almost done and don was getting tired himself.

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