Chapter 2

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Don agreed on not getting the police involved and also agreed that if Meryl was going anywhere anymore that he would be joining her and making sure she was safe. Don went out and got new locks for all the doors and even for the guest house, just to make sure that if who ever was trying to get to Meryl would not be getting in again. After doing the doors and making sure everything was locked don put all his tools away and went to find Meryl so he could ask her if she was feeling up to going out to dinner.

As Don came inside he noticed they Meryl had cleaned and he thought he heard her taking some pans out so he quickly raced over to the kitchen and stopped her from trying to make dinner.

"Meryl put that pan down we're going out to dinner" don said.

"I don't think that's a good idea Don, after what's happened today I really don't think we should go anywhere." Meryl said trying to get stuff out to make but don wasn't going to give up without a fight.  

"Come on Meryl it's only for a few hours, we can go anywhere you want. You choose because after today I don't want you to be stressed I want you to be relaxed and not have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Please come to dinner with me." Don finished his spew and put his hand out and looked at Meryl lovingly.

"Oh fine but the minute something isn't right we come straight home" Meryl said grabbing his hand.


Meryl was trying to figure out what to wear. She had this huge closet and yet she still is having trouble finding something that would make her feel good and confident because ever since what happened last year she hasn't been feeling all that confident. She finally decides on a maroon wrap dress with brown high heeled boots. She goes to the bathroom to put on a little make-up and to pull the sides of her hair up in a clip. She grabbed her coat and met Don downstairs.

Don called all of their kids and told them that if they stoped by they wouldn't be home. And said that they need to make sure to lock any doors if they do come over. Don, dressed in a white dress shirt and black slacks with his coat in hand, looked very handsome. As Meryl walked down the stairs, she looked at him she thought 'he's mine and no one else's'.

"Wow you look ravishing" Don watched as Meryl laughed at his comment.

"Says you handsome" Meryl said and she approached him. Don with much practiced ease bent down and barely touched Meryl's lips before she moved away and laughed.

"Oh so you want play games huh? I can play games." Don said as he put her coat on for her.

"It's going to be a night of teasing my love." Meryl said as she winked at him and walked away. Don watched and thought the same thing Meryl has only thought moments ago 'she's mine and no one else's'.


Don noticed that Meryl seemed more relaxed and not so tense as she was earlier in the day. He knows this note had gotten to her and brought back terrible memories but from now on he's going to do everything in his power to make sure she has a good time tonight and to forget about the crazy day they had.

As they were driving to their favorite restaurant in Lakeville, Connecticut, Don had his hand on her thigh and was moving it closer and closer to the spot where he knew she wanted him most when all of a sudden she smacked his hand and said "No, No Donald you don't want to start something you know you can't finish". With that Don  kept driving until they reached the restaurant.


"Reservation for Gummer" don said to the hostess. The hostess got them menus and brought them to a table towards the back.

"You look gorgeous tonight Meryl, I don't know how you do it but everyday you look as beautiful as the day before" Don said with a loving gaze towards Meryl.

She blushed and said "Well I have a husband who likes to tell me how beautiful he thinks I look" she said looking up from her menu and drinking from her wine seductively.

"So what are you getting I'm famished." Don asked her as he felt her boot running up the inside of his leg.

After they ate their food, shared some chocolate cake, and teased each other throughout dinner they paid for their meal and went out to their car.


"I had fun tonight don thank you for being you and trying to get me to relax and let go" Meryl said a little drunk.

"Anything for you" Don said as he opens the car door for her and helped her in. As Don was walking to his side of the car he saw someone watching him from across the street, wearing all black. Don watched him for about a minute and then the man pointed at Meryl, Don got in the car, started it, buckled up, and drove off quickly.

"Don why are you driving so fast? Slow down before you get pulled over." Meryl said worried.

"We have to get out of here and get home quick" don said as he repeatedly looked in the rear view mirror.

Meryl was scared and getting more and more terrified and tried to stay calm but couldn't. " DON stop" she then said it stronger" DON STOP" she yelled and he finally did. "What the hell is your problem?" She yelled at him. "You don't have to drive like your in the Indy 500. Please tell me what you saw because I have a feeling of what you saw." Meryl said with tears rolling down her face.

Don didn't want to tell her what he saw because he knew it upset her and their night. "Mer..." don began.

"No don't baby me don I can handle it" Meryl told don.  He looked in her eyes and said

" I think that man followed us here so we have to get home right now".


As they reached home Meryl and Don got out of the car went inside. While don was inspecting the house and locking all the doors Meryl went up to their room and started to get ready for bed. She put on her night gown and brushed her hair. She leaned over the counter and washed her tired face.

Don came into the bathroom and saw his wife washing her face. He thought what a perfect time to get the nights mood back in to play. Just as she was beginning to pat her face with the towel, he went up behind and started to kiss her neck. " Jesus Christ don you scared the shit out of me" Meryl said as she jumped a foot.

"I was just trying to seduce my wife" don said as he stood there with a goofy grin and wearing only his boxers. Meryl looked at him and realized she over reacted.

      "You still find me desirable?" Meryl said while looking at him through the mirror. Don just laughed and shook his head. Meryl started to say something when he lifted her in his arms and took her to their bed and showed her just how desirable he still finds her.

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