Chapter 1

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"Rebecca!" Tommy yells at me because I took one of his jackets and spray painted it pink with glitter and glued diamonds on it. I ran down the hall way when it's night trying to be quiet not to wake anyone who was asleep like the alpha of the midnight black light pack, who's a hard ass and 19 years old.

You may think we're 6 or 7 but Tommy's 18 and I'm 17 turning 18 tomorrow. We're werewolves and I haven't shifted yet but that's okay I found out it's painful to where you can feel all your bones moving around to make you into a wolf.

I dress okay for being in my pack, I love to wear clothes that I can move around in with ease like black leggings with tee-shirts. Some of my pack think that I am goth. I may look weak but I'm not even though I'm thin. I train day after day with Tommy because I need to work on my skills so I don't hurt myself when a rogue attack comes into our land. I have white blonde hair with the tips blue, that's my natural hair color. Don't ask me how it just is. I have fair skin that has a little tan on it and my eyes are a golden color to a silver to a icy blue, they change with my moods. I have some abs from the work outs. Tommy has Red fire red hair with freckles on his face and white tan skin, he has brown eyes and he's a brown-black wolf.

As soon as werewolves turn 18 they find their mate but Tommy hasn't but he's the player of the school and the pack so he's fine with it. The girls who he dates don't like me because I hang out with him a lot and I know a lot about him ever since we learned to talk we became best friends and also he was the one to stop the bullying I got.

They think I'm his Fuck buddy but I'm not I'm saving my v card for my mate. "Rebecca, you are so dead when I catch you!"

"You have to catch me first!" I stick my tongue out and run right into a hard chest having the wind knocked out of me. I start to fall when the arms wrap around my torso my back towards the person so I didn't know who it was.

I was ready to scream when I saw Derick's tattoo of a wolf on his right arm. He's my boyfriend or a friend something like that, it's complicated. We like each other but don't want to mess up our friendship. He's the beta of the pack and besides Tommy he is one of my longest friends in the pack. "What'd you do this time, Becca?" He whispers, with his husky voice, in my ear, making me shiver.

"I...I spray painted Tommy's jacket." I reply unable to breath with him that close, "And made it sparkle."

"What color?" He asks turning me to face him.

"Pink." I say not able to breath with his deep blue eyes, that match his tan skin so perfectly with his dark brown hair, staring straight into my soul.

His eyebrows shot up in shock that I would do such a thing and the fact that I was pulled into Tommy's chest would be another good reason for him to be shocked because I was ripped away from him. "You're going to get it now, Rebecca!" Tommy yells in my ear.

"Na I'll pass but thanks." I say trying to get free out of his grasp but his hold is to tight. "Derick!" I kick and wiggle trying to get out of his grasp not remembering that it's night. He pulls me up the stairs, "Derick!" I scream again and this time it wasn't Derick who Tommy backed up into, it was the Alpha his name is Blake.

"What the hell is going on here?" Blake uses his alpha tone on us to make us answer him but from some reason I don't feel the need to tell him. I wiggle some more trying to get out of Tommy's grasp, he gulped when he stared at Blake in the eyes and I got away.

"Ah ha free at last!" I yell and run away from the two boys looking at me weirdly, like I had done something wrong. I look back and see Blake right behind me, "Derick!" I yell more furiously this time and he came right to my side.

He looks at me, "What's wron...." He looks at Blake who has a face of I'm going to murder someone "Oh....Rebecca, what'd you do to Blake?"

I hit him and glared "I did nothing to him, Derick, he's the one pissed off that I didn't answer his question." I thought about that while they looked at me with weird faces. "Oh, Blake it was just a question and Tommy can answer it for you."

"I want to know why you are not obeying my alpha tone!" Pissed off Blake asks.

"Don't know, just know that I can resist it now."

"How?" I shrug and look at Derick with a puppy dog face.

"You're on your own with this one." he says when he looked up at a cold hearted Blake and ran out of the room in a second.

"I was trying to get my sleep when you were screaming your head off!" Blake and I have never got along, he's the jock and the one whose mean and I'm the one whose not caring what time of day it is and read when I get a chance to.

"Sorry but I didn't..." The clock in the pack house stroked Midnight and I fell to the floor in pain. I could feel my bone rearranging themselves. I couldn't breath. I look up at where Blake was standing but he's gone. I got up after the first wave of pain hit me. I went out side in the woods and I lit up like a Christmas tree that was bright with blue and red and also black and then I was on all four paws.

My fur was the same as my hair except that the white blonde was now just a snow white with light blue tips. My paws are huge with black spots on them. My tail is medium height and has red at the tip. I have never seen a wolf like me. My fur is different colors, the colors I lit up with before I turned into my wolf and I'm bigger than the average female were-wolf.

What's going on? I ask myself

You are very special, Rebecca. We are not the last of our kind.

Who are you?

I'm your wolf, Kim.

How in the world are we different colors?

Because we are a special type of wolf called the Colored Fur or as some might say Royal.

I'm not of royal blood

Yes you are, remember you don't have parents that's why you live in the pack house.

Right...How do I turn back before someone sees me in my wolf form?

You can become human again after we run.


We took off running I felt free and safe passing by several trees and bushes to where it was just a blur for a little bit before I heard the waterfall that's out here and we ran to it having a sense of needing to go. It's so beautiful and peaceful that I've calmed down so much to where I turned back to my human self with my clothes on my body.

That is how you can change back, all you have to do is become calm or until you get the sense of freedom and go running.

Thank you.

For what?

For being my wolf and my guardian


Rebecca's picture is on the side and her look will change.

Please vote, comment and tell me what you think it won't hurt my feelings unless it's really mean.

Love all of you comment if you want me to show Blake and or Derick.

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