Chapter 8~ Dragon training

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  "Trystan what did they mean ride our dragons they are not horses they are dragons with wings" Joseline said as she looked to me.

 "well they do have saddles it just a matter of mounting....well a mountain" I said after a slight pause then I walked up to my dragon "I don't believe I got your name" The dragon looked at me after laying down.

 "my name is Tinder I am a fire drake" he said before he helped me mount.

"My sweet pearl white dragon what is your name" Joseline called to the large white dragon.

 "My name is Illusion" she said then helped Joseline upm Darius's dragon was the color of the river or a lake perhaps his name was Wadia and Matilida's dragon was green like grass or tree leaves and her name was Quinta.

When we had all mounted our dragons next came the hard part the flying. It was not easy first we had to get off of the ground with a great leap holding on for dear life the dragons lifted off the ground one by one easing into the air.  as we settled into the saddles each one of us fell into our old selves even deeper another bought of hidden knowledge coming fourth reminding us how to fly.

I quickly made arrangements to how I was positioned the others following my lead our dragons being guided into a tight formation. we saw the riders below looking like small figuers that were waiting for us. So we began our journey to their home land traveling for days on end until we got to the mountains of Lishengure where we landed.

"how are you going to get through the mountains?" I asked as we slide off of our dragons.

 "why go through them when we can take the tunnel" drumorid responded. "we shall meet you on the other side" he said before setting off, the horses being brought through the wide tunnel while we mounted our dragons and flew up over the mountains have a bit of trouble as the air was thin at one point but we managed landing on the other side and waiting.

"how long do you think it will take Trystan?" Darius asked.

 "who knows they are on horse back it takes them longer why don't we let the dragons rest for now" I answered as we slid off and started to collect resources for a fire all the camping gear being on the horses that arrived later that evening when we had a fire burning thanks to Tinder.

"Come we must rest" said Kasha as she waved her hand the horses being tended to as well as the dragons and the camp being laid out for the night everyone moving to their sleeping space and falling asleep the dragons keeping a watchful eye on all of us taking turns through out the night as we slept.

When we woke the dragons were geared up as well as the horses the camp mostly picked up and the fire snuffed out.

 "well you guys are up early" Joseline said as she sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes and standing up giving Darius a little tap with her foot "get up we can't sleep all day" She said as I got up fearing a tap from Joseline's sharp riding boots.

"Where are we off to in such a hurry Drumorid?" I asked as he picked up the rest of the camp with his magic.

 "we must reach Lishengure by tonight we are needed there" He said as he mounted and I sighed and nodded mounted Tinder the others following my lead the dragons pushing off of the ground their wings spread taking off the very air taking it's hold guiding us into the head winds and beyond the clouds where we were free.

When we were in the headwinds it was as if time stopped this was the place where I finally remembered the rest of my past I was the Prince of Lishengure and the others were my loyal friends, when this finally hit it was like a soft blow to the face the others falling into a well known formation following my hand signals.

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