The Devil's Eye

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-Tom's PoV-

I awoke to the sound of guns getting shot outside. It might be Tord celebrating or something. I remembered after a long night of hard work, Tord would shoot at the soldiers outside to keep them weary of surprise attacks or kill them just for fun. It seemed to become his favorite hobby terrifyingly.

Tord came to the bedside and sat next to where I lay. He planted a small kiss upon my forehead and smiled softly. "Good morning love~ Had a good night's sleep from our rough round?~"

"Ugh, don't even remind me you commie bastard..."

He let out a deep sigh and laid next to me. "You still remember that you can't escape, right my love?"

"Yes sir..." I avoided eye contact from Tord as much as possible. One of the major rules in the base is that you cannot look into the Devil's Eye. What is the Devil's Eye you might ask? The Devil's Eye is Tord's normal and unharmed eye, but it got it's name the Devil's Eye because some soldiers came out of his office whenever they're called to speak to and then they would leave pale-faced or they would leave crying. No one ever knew why but then one soldier in particular took a glance at his eye and swore that he saw his past in that very eye. Another soldier said that the eye turned from it's natural grey to piercing bright red. 

Tord wrapped his arms around me to pull us into a snuggle-y hug and then he looked into my eyes. 'Fuck, look away Thomas!' I thought to myself. He snickered and shut his eyes as he then fell asleep. He never let go of me so I began to freak out mentally. I needed to run while I can, I need to leave...


With all of the strength I've got in me, I swiftly got out of his arms and ran. Then the most terrifying thing happened, the door shut on me once I reached it and I looked around to see nothing but darkness, but one glow in the dark was a red dot. Looking at me. 

It's the Devil's Eye...

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