Meeting or Beating Pt.2

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-Matt's PoV-

I was staring at the two leaders as they gave each other glare of a warning for one or the other to back off before things get worse. I saw how Tom looked very cautious and then broke the silence. 

"Guys! Guys! C'mon, let's not get in a fight or argument! We are here for a meeting!"

Red Leader straightened himself and smoothed his hair, clearing his throat in the process, "Thomas is right, let's get the meeting done."

I held my breath as I see the two old friends take a seat at the meeting table and Tom set down the files. Edd grumbled under his breath as he took a seat, looking through the laid out files. He looked at me with pleading eyes as if to say that the both of us need to get Tom out of Red Leader's clutches.

-Tord's PoV-

I stood up to explain why I've had to send my soldiers to captured the two rebel filth and bring them here to discuss a deal. 

"So, Matt and Edd, you two are the only possible rebels left from our battle. You two have absolutely no idea how much it pains me to see such strong leaders look so filthy and disheveled. We can negotiate our plan for surrender or we can get both of you applications to register into my army. Only one thing is going to stop me from going any further with this negotiation with these terms... Stay. Away. From. Thomas."

Before I could add on more to my part of the meeting, Edd stood up and without my quick reaction, he punched me with a great force I didn't know that he has. Right across my face.

I fell to the ground and nearly blacked out. 

I heard footsteps. 

But then I noticed, it all came to me... 

The two rebels only surrendered to not fight when they came here just to rescue Thomas!!!

The last person to be out of the door of course was who I ought to think it would be, Thomas. He struggled to open the door and I cut the lights out with my demonic ability but I only dimmed the lighting due to the open window blinds. 

"What happened to the lights?!" Tom cried as the door locked, leaving the two of us the only two in the room.

-Tom's PoV-

I felt a hand grab the back of my shirt and then I was slammed onto the floor. My throat managed to make a little yelping sound, but that didn't stop my attacker however, that only made me seem more vulnerable. 

Once I could try to get up again, the same person showed his face into the light.

It was Red Leader. 

And he was PISSED.

He slammed my back onto the table and threw a couple of blows to my stomach and said nothing. All I could make out from the lighting was the rage-filled gaze in his eye and expression. I wanted to cry from the pain. I began begging for Tord to stop but he only but the angry leader just spat out curses.






I swear I heard a rib break as soon as Tord grabbed my vest and threw me back onto the floor, but on my stomach. My mind and sensitivity couldn't take it anymore, I screamed and started to wail out pleads for help and security, but none of what I wanted came to save me. I felt repeated kicks hit my sides and stomach. Red leader gripped my arm and throat, then threw me against the wall, pinning me there. He growled and tore off the visors that have saved my life, the visors that gave me a new life, and also the visors that protected my life...

Tord laughed and let me drop to the ground, like the monster he is. I felt one more kick go to my left eye, leaving me for dead, Tord walked out and yelled for medics to come bandage me up with his lies guarding the truth.

"Paramedics!! Thomas Rosewood has been attacked by the two rebels that have escaped without a trace! Take him to the infirmary! Quick!"

I cried to myself and Red Leader gave me a devilish and dark sharp-toothed grin. My heart sank to the sight and then I blacked out from the lack of blood streaming from my eyes and damaged limbs to my body. 

How did I not see this coming...

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