Chapter 13

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The moment the food was set, all hell broke loose. Jungkook and Jimin reached towards the same dish- the meat one of course- and started fighting. Jimin won after he yelled, "I WAS BORN IN BUSAN FIRST!", standing up and threatening Jungkook with his chopsticks. While the two were arguing and causing a racket, Jungkook's arm accidentally knocked Jin's glass of water all over the table- which then caused Jin to be crowned the worldwide brat slayer rapper. Namjoon tried calming Jin down while scolding the two boys. Hoseok seemed perfectly fine, finally showing his special skill of zoning out all of the members. You sat in the middle of the chaos, just simply picking and eating small grains of rice at a time. You noticed how Suga and Taehyung weren't eating. Not thinking much of it, you prayed to your bowl of rice, hoping it would fast forward time.


"That was a great dinner!" Hoseok smiled as he got off the car. He glowed slightly and patted his stomach. 

"Sure was.." you chuckled nervously.

"Thanks for dropping us off," Jin began, "Sorry for dinner being so chaotic."

"It's fine," you smiled, waving at the members as they headed back to their dorms. After seeing them get in safe, you headed home.


After drying off your hair, you threw your wet towel on the armrest of your desk chair. You sat down on the edge of your bed, scrolling through your Instagram feed while brushing your teeth. You decided you should be crowned the world's multitasking queen.

In a few minutes, you were ready to get some shut eye. As you were about to close your desktop light, you saw Taehyung's hat on the table. You were planning to give it back to him, but there just didn't seem to be a right time to do so. You looked at it for a few moments, leaving it on the table and closed the lights.





A loud noise outside your window woke you up. You squinted at the bright screen of your phone, checking the time- it was 3:12 in the morning. Who the fuck was knocking at your window at three in the morning?


Another loud noise outside your bedroom window caused you to scramble out the bed. You opened your curtains slightly, peeking out to see who was outside. Your eyes widened at who it was. You rubbed your eyes again. The same person was still standing there.

"Taehyung?" you whispered. As if he heard you, he turned his head to where you peeking out the curtains from. Shocked, you closed the curtains. After a few moments, you opened them again. Taehyung stood there still, his arm poised to throw another pebble at your window. He saw your furrowed eyebrows and dropped the pebble.

Let me in, Taehyung mouthed.

What? you mouthed back.

Taehyung gave you an annoyed look, crossing his arms as he cocked his head.

You blinked at him.

He gave you a small smirk. You blinked again and- he was gone.

You rubbed your eyes again, turning your head to see where he had gone. A few moments passed and no sign of him had shown up. You sighed, glancing at his hat on your table before turning back to close the curtains.

"Giving up that easily?" a low husky voice whispered in you ear. You immediately turned around, losing your balance. Firm arms wrapped around you, steadying you. You held onto his arm and looked up, meeting Taehyung's eyes. They illuminated wine red in the faint moonlight.

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