Chapter 40

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You yawned, opening your eyes. The sun was definitely up now- the bright rays streaming through the drawn curtain, casting the room into a glow. You rolled around, turning around to have Taehyung's sleeping face a mere few inches from yours. As if on cue, he opened his eyes.

"Good morning love," Taehyung murmured, still sleepy.

"Good morning," you giggled. You had noticed Taehyung's bedhead- his blue hair was defying gravity and sticking up at odd places.

"And good afternoon to all of us," an annoyed voice huffed. Surprised, you and Taehyung sat up immediately- turning around to find out who was the third person in the room.

Turns out there wasn't just one person- everyone was in the room. Every member had seated themselves in Taehyung's room- some had brought chairs in while others sat on the floor.

"Oh this was not the plan," Taehyung muttered.

"You know that it's three in the afternoon right?" Namjoon asked from his spot- on your right in a chair about seven feet away. Beside him was Jin, in front of them was Suga- who was sprawled on the floor. To your left was Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jimin. Jimin gave you a wave when your eyes met him. After giving him a small smile, you turned around to Taehyung- wondering if he could explain what was going on.

"Okay Y/N, wake me up when they're done," Taehyung said as he laid back down- pulling the comforted over his head. You were left to defend yourself now.

"So Y/N," Jin began from his spot. Chills ran down your spine. "did you sleep well?"

"Uh..." you started, nervously. Glancing quickly to Taehyung- who was still under the comforter- you turned back to Jin. "I guess...?"

"Awesome!" Jin smiled, clapping his hands together, "Care to explain why?"

"Um...this bed is really nice...?" you replied, feeling yourself shrink with every second from Jin's gaze. Suga snorted and Namjoon choked at your reply. Of course Namjoon would have a cup of tea on him.

"Did you two kids to the bang bang in my house?!" Jin shrieked. Your eyes widened at Jin's response and you replayed your words over and over in your head. Oh...

"Oh for fuck sake, we did not do bang bang in my room. I would obvious take my girl somewhere nice- like her house," Taehyung replied, throwing the comforter off of his head. Namjoon choked on his tea even more and you slapped Taehyung's arm.

"Your girl?" Suga smirked, catching Taehyung's words.

"Oh my god, they did do the bang bang!" Jin cried. Namjoon patted Jin's back as Jin went off into his own little world.

"Maybe, it's not Bangtan without the bang," Taehyung replied, wiggling his brows.

"Oh my god, for goodness sake we did not do the bang bang, wipe those looks off of your faces 'cause this conversation is closed- there's a child here," you exclaimed before pointing to Jungkook. Sorry dude, gotta get their attention off of me.

The room was quiet before people bursted into laughter. You jumped back from at the sudden ruckus.

"I can't believe she fell for it," Suga laughed, rolling on the ground. You looked at Namjoon, who was sipping his tea amusingly, before glancing over to Jin. Jin was also smiling, his previous serious demeanor gone. Turning to Taehyung for answers, you noticed how he was also laughing. What in the world is going on?

"Calm down love," Taehyung murmured, catching your look.

"How can I calm down when I don't even know what the crap has happened?" you exclaimed, throwing your hands up into the air- nearing giving Taehyung a slap in the face.

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