Chapter 33

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It took a few moments for your eyesight to focus- the blur in front of you becoming clearer and clearer until you could make out that you were staring at the ceiling. You groaned as you tried sitting up, a little lightheaded and disoriented. Your throat felt like the Sahara Desert, as dry as a land without rain for a thousand years.

"Y/N?" a voice called. You slowly turned your head, seeing Jin stopping mid step- his face a combination of shock and relief. "Thank god," he whispered and headed towards you. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Water? Food?"

"I'm doing okay," you croaked, "Can I have some water?"

"Of course dear," Jin smiled and dashed out of the room. You heard him thumping down the stairs.

As you waited, you looked around you- noticing how you were in someone's room, specifically someone's bed. You played with the edge of the comforter, noticing the little RJ patterns decorating it. You smiled.

Jin speed walked back into the room, opening a bottle of water and handing it to you. Thanking him, you gulped the water down rapidly- nearly emptying it in seconds.

"Am I in your room?" you asked after quenching your thirst.

"Yeah, we didn't want you to stay out on the couch," Jin answered. "What gave it away?" he smiled. You waved to the little RJ decorations on his comforter. You also pointed out the RJ toys sitting in various places around the room. Jin laughed.

"Where is everyone?" you asked after your thirst was quenched, looking around and only seeing Jin.

"They're at the company, I stayed behind just in case anyone woke up," Jin explained, pulling a chair over before sitting down. "We ran out of 'sick days' to stay at home," he chuckled.

You nodded your head. After a few moments, you replayed Jin's reply. Wait, he said sick days- as in plural. "Jin," you began, slightly panicked, "how long was I out for?"

Jin was quiet for a few moments. "Nine days dear," Jin sighed.

"Oh my god..." you breathed. "My boss, my job- oh what the hell happened when I was out?" you panicked.

"Y/N!" Jin called, putting his hand on yours, "Don't worry, we got it covered- technically HongJoong-ah and Mingi-ah got it covered. Right now your boss thinks you're at your nonexistent second cousin's wedding overseas."

"Wait, Mingi and HongJoong? Wedding?" you asked, confused.

"It was the only excuse we could come up with..." Jin laughed, "As for those two...they're vampires. They helped us out with the two of you," Jin finished, his face not so jolly anymore.

"Oh." You looked away, fidgeting with your fingers. So that's what Suga meant when I reeked of other vampires. It would also explain HongJoong's actions... You sighed.

Jin's phone rang, surprising and low-key scaring you. "Hello?" Jin answered before pausing. There was a muffled reply. "Yeah actually, Y/N woke up." Pause. "Yeah, Taehyung...he isn't up yet." Another pause. "Okay okay okay, whatever- I run JinHit, not them." Insert windshield laugh. "I got it, I'll make sure to tell you when he wakes up. Oh make sure you guys pick up some rice before coming back, we're almost out. 'Kay, bye."

"Taehyung," you began after Jin put his phone back in his pocket, "how's he?"

"He hasn't woken up yet," Jin answered, "but I'm pretty sure he's fine. Mingi-ah did tell us it would take a little longer for him to wake up."

Mingi?- oh yeah, forgot he's a vampire. You sighed and shook your head- life certainly had its way of surprising you nonstop. "Jin," you began, "what time is it?"

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