Background Info / QnA

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Hi, let's just dive into this shall we? We'll start with the list of supernatural creatures and their features! (side note, my idea of these supernatural creatures are twisted to how I like them, they are not the same compared to other thoughts and internet definitions!)


Faeries: Faeries are charming, beautiful and exotic creatures. Often with bright personalities and cheery positive attitudes, it's really a given that they radiate warmth and comfort. Pure-blood faeries (meaning their parents are both fae) cannot tell lies, along with the inability to touch iron. They also have translucent wings (which can be folded away or hidden) and can glow (brightly) in the dark.

How have these faeries not been caught? Well, just because faeries can't lie doesn't mean they can't deceive. Faeries are good with words, able to string them together so well that it may be even better than lies. Also, they have the skill of charm-speak- the ability to allow them to literally make others follow their orders, without them even realizing. Most effects are temporary, but if faeries tried, they could make it permanent.

Jin and Hoseok: These two are both half-faerie (meaning one parent is human while the other is fae). They do not have wings. They can tell lies and touch iron- unlike purebloods. Like pureblood faeries, however, they have dashing good looks, can glow in the dark (just not as much), and charm-speak (except that it isn't as powerful or strong). Out of the other supernatural creatures, Jin and Hoseok are second closest to a human- falling behind warlocks.

Warlocks: These creatures have many names: warlock, witch, wizard, summoner of the magic- they're pretty much the same. These creatures look just like a regular person/human, so it's often hard to pick one out of a crowd. Pureblood warlocks and half-blood warlocks have no differences- well except for two. Pureblood warlocks are more powerful than half-bloods. Pureblood warlocks also have a higher chance of gaining a special ability (like Namjoon's mindreading powers)- though the possibility of a half-blood warlock obtaining one is possible. Warlocks have slowly dwindled in numbers, simply due to the fact that warlock blood is thinning (with warlocks mingling with humans more and more- thinning out the bloodline). In fact, many warlocks don't even realize that they're warlocks, since they have no powers or their parents (who are probably warlocks) don't even know what they are themselves.

So...what are the powers of warlocks? Well, warlocks were superior and powerful beings if we go back a few centuries. However, many have abandoned their practice or went into hiding- fearing witch trials or being burned at the stake. Though they may have supernatural abilities, humans still outnumber them- the chance of warlocks being wiped out is possible. Many spell-books and potion-books- along with magical enchanted items (brooms, portals- etc) have been stowed away or lost. Yes, warlocks can use 'magic'. However, the only power not lost with time is the special abilities (mind-reading, etc)  a warlock could have- though the decision of whether or not they use it or not is up to them.

Namjoon; Namjoon is a pure-blood warlock, along with the possession of a special skill- the ability to mind-read. This is one of the rarer abilities. (And don't worry- Namjoon isn't constantly hearing voices in his head. He can choose if he wants to read a mind or not. He is able to turn his skill back on or off). The most common ability is transformation (the ability to turn into your spirit animal- literally. Though the downside is that 1) you cannot choose your animal and 2) you can only turn into one animal) and elemental control (the ability to control one element. Sounds cooler than it is.) However, powerful warlocks can make these two common abilities stretch to its full potential (aka turning into multiple animals or making a simple rain turn into a hurricane)- or they can possess many abilities!

Werewolves: These beasts are often called children of the moon- though most despise a full moon (I'm sure you can figure out why.) These werewolves also have super strength and better senses- especially smell and hearing. The pure-blood category can be split with a side category called 'full-blood' (just like vampires). Pure-blood and full-blood werewolves are practically the same, but only pure-blood werewolves can turn humans into werewolves by biting them (full-bloods cannot). Pure-blood and full-blood werewolves are the most human during the new moon, and the most wolfish (turning into a wolf) during the new moon. More wolfish traits appear when the full moon is approaching, and these traits slowly dissolve as the full moon is over. There are only two differences between a pure-blood werewolf and a half-blood is that half-bloods do not transform- though they get really wolfish (sharper canines and growling and sharp eyes) during the full moon. Pure-blood werewolves can transform humans into full-blood werewolves while half-bloods cannot. These three types experience a heat once every three full moons- meaning they get quite frisky and horny. They're just looking for some company... Werewolves naturally have a nice body- very nice (just look at Jungkook and Jimin! yEs).

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