Chapter 20

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"Hey hyung, did you see that shirt over there, it says 'holy guacamole' with an- oh holy guacamole," a voice came over from behind Taehyung. It stopped short in its tracks after seeing the 'traffic' of people in front. You heard another gasp come from Yeosang and you sighed, bringing your hand to your face. Just when things had finally started to look up.

"Hello Y/N-ssi, um...hello to the two of you," Jungkook said softly, bowing and nodding his head in greeting. You returned the greeting and turned around to see how Yeosang and HongJoong were faring. Yeosang was bowing furiously and so was HongJoong- just as enthusiastically. However, both were looking at you with questioning and wide eyes- expecting an explanation from you later. You offered them a weak smile and averted your gaze.

There was a long stretch of silence suppressing the five of you- the awkwardness in the air was heavy. You glanced at the people around you. Judging from how tight their mouths were shut, no one was going to break this silence anytime soon.

"So um..." you began after a few moments, "this is certainly a surprise." After your lame attempt at breaking the ice, you wanted to facepalm yourself. "Anyways, I must be off. I have a lunch date with my stomach planned," you said to excuse yourself from this situation. You squeezed around Taehyung and Jungkook, walking swiftly to avoid their gaze.

"We need to talk," Taehyung mumbled, barely audible, as you passed by him. You turned around and met his gaze for the slightest second. The look in his eye confirmed that you weren't hearing things. You quickly averted your gaze, increasing your speed to escape this place.


Even after you had walked several blocks away from the shop, you could not calm down. You decided to stop at a sandwich shop to take a rest and have lunch. After ordering, you found a seat and sat down.

You sighed, resting your head in your hands. After taking a few deep breaths to calm yourself down, you rubbed your eyes. You were so done with today- you wished that you had just stayed home.

"Is this your order? Order number fifty-three?" the waiter asked, making you look up. You looked down at your receipt and nodded yes. You mumbled thank you as the waiter gave you your food.

There was a phone call from HongJoong. You stared at the screen for a few moments before declining the call. After a few seconds, he called again- you sighed and picked up the phone.

"Manager-nim, where are you now?" HongJoong asked. There was fumbling sounds, with a few occasional scolds thrown at Yeosang.

"Um, I felt tired and went home," you lied. You picked at the edges of the sandwich with the toothpick they had given you- you didn't really have an appetite anymore.

"Oh, well I hope you feel better soon," HongJoong replied. There was another fumble of noises, there was a shout from HongJoong afterwards- Yeosang must have gotten ahold of the phone.

"Manager-nim, do you know BTS?" Yeosang asked, his voice full of enthusiasm. You suddenly remember how big of a fan Yeosang was of BTS- and how his bias happened to be Taehyung.

"Um, not really. I used to work at BigHit, that's all," you answered.

"Really? That's cool- hey," Yeosang was cut of by HongJoong- he must've grabbed the phone back.

"Manager-nim, I'm so sorry about that," HongJoong said breathlessly. You answered, saying it was okay. "Anyways," HongJoong started again, "I hope you get some rest."

"Thank you," you replied, "I hope the two of you have a good day." After finishing the call, you hung up and continued to poke at your sandwich with the toothpick.

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