Side Story 1 - Christmas Special

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*Takes place when you find out you're pregnant with Taekwon // two years after getting married.*


It Christmas Eve Eve- two days before Christmas. Everyone had gathered to celebrate Christmas this year, as per Jin's request. Ever since you and Taehyung had gotten engaged and married, Taehyung had moved out- buying a house for the two of you to start a family. Yoongi had soon followed in pursuit, buying an apartment to establish own studio. Jungkook and Jimin had bought a place in Busan together, often frequenting there. Only Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok now stayed in the old housing building (which Jin had bought and now owned). In other words, the group was now spending less time together, slowly growing apart. 

"Haha!" Jungkook exclaimed, standing up while throwing his hand of cards on the floor, "take that loser!" After finishing, he jumped around, hyping himself up even more. Jungkook must've have won the game of speed against Jimin, who sadly looked down on the floor and sighed.

"Sit your ass back down," Jin scolded, an annoyed look on his face, "You're blocking the TV."

You giggled, watching Jungkook slither back down to the floor, a dejected look on his face. Together, he and Jimin comforted each other. 

"Stop looking at them and pay some attention to me," Taehyung murmured into your ear, his breath warm on your skin. He wrapped his arm around your wait, pulling you closer to him on the couch. Nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck, he dotted light pecks over your skin. 

"It tickles," you whispered back, laughing. Taehyung, however, only hummed in response, continuing to shower you with affection.

"Can you not?" a raspy voice called. You looked up and saw Yoongi appearing from a wall, shadow-travel. He shuddered, flakes of snow falling from his head and coat. "I don't want to come back home and see two lovebirds all over my beloved couch."

"It's so cold outside," Hoseok chimed, appearing from behind Yoongi, "but we got the food!" He then proceeded to shake all the snow off of him while lifting two plastic bags, full of snacks and other goodies.

"Tea?" Namjoon called, popping his head out of the kitchen, "It'll warm you up."

"I want hot chocolate," Jungkook answered, Jimin also joining in.

"Or hot chocolate," Namjoon added, "We have that too."


After ten minutes of everyone bustling around, everyone was seated in the living room. You, Taehyung, and Jin were seated on the long couch. Namjoon called his usual spot on the recliner. Yoongi was sprawled out on the floor with Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jimin seated around him. Everyone had either a mug of hot chocolate or tea with them- or correction, Namjoon had tea while everyone else had hot chocolate. 

"So what should we watch?" Jin asked, remote in hand. He flipped through the available movies on the screen, giving each a glance before moving on. 

"As long as it isn't any of the Christmas Hallmark Romance movies, I'm good," Yoongi answered, "We already see enough of that on a daily basis," Yoongi groaned, making a fake retching face.

"Then look away," Taehyung replied before planting a kiss on your lips. You felt your face heat up and you pounded on Taehyung's chest, trying to push him away. Taehyung's lips curled up into a smile before breaking away- only after giving your bottom lip an affectionate nip. 

"Taehyung!" you whispered screamed, "not in front of the others." You brought your hands to your cheeks, trying to cool the heat radiating off from them. 

"Mmmkay," Taehyung hummed before bring his lips to your ear. "Then it's fine if we're alone right?" he finished, whispering. 

"I heard that," Yoongi growled, pretending to puke some more.

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