Chapter 38

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"Y/N," Taehyung murmured, his voice low and soft- smooth like silk.

"Yes?" you breathed.

"Suga told me everything when I woke up...I'm so-" Taehyung rushed, his voice rolling of his tongue in a rhythmic pattern.

"Taehyung," you cut off, moving your other hand on top of Taehyung's, "it's fine. I'm okay and thank goodness you are too. Didn't I tell you last time that if a blood pact formed between us- I would be the lucky one?" You paused, moving you head to you could look at Taehyung. "Plus we couldn't have prevented it either way- but after the chaotic events calm down, it's not such a bad situation after all."

Taehyung was quiet, shifting his eyes away. They were now back to his dark, midnight eyes- chilling yet ever so calm. However, there was an unshakable scared emotion in his dark orbs.

"But Y/N," Taehyung began, breaking his silence, "I could've hurt you- I've already hurt you. Now that we're bonded together- I could possible hurt you even more in the future. I don't-"

"Kim Taehyung," you interjected, your voice firm and calm, "don't ever think or talk like that again." You paused to cup his face gently, turning him so you could look into his eyes. He tried to turn away again, but you held on firmly- keeping him facing you. "I don't know what you mean about hurting me- sure you've snapped into your instinct but I know you didn't mean to do it. The only time you've ever truly hurt me-" You paused to take a deep breath, trying to calm the tears into being sucked back into your eye sockets. "The only time you've ever truly hurt me," you began again, "is when you pushed me away. I know you didn't get a say in sending me away back then, but it still hurt..."

"Y/N," Taehyung breathed, leaning his face closer towards you, bringing his hand up to brush your cheek. "I promise you that I will try to never hurt you again."

"No," you said firmly, "I won't take 'try to' for an answer- I know you can do better than that. You're Kim Taehyung for goodness sakes!" you laughed. Taehyung leaned in even further- his forehead touching yours. You saw him break into a smile as well.

"Okay princess," Taehyung smirked before breaking into a chuckle, "I will make sure to never hurt you again- but you have to promise me to never leave my side, okay?"

"Of course," you smiled. A lock of your hair fell into your face but Taehyung brushed it away- his long, slender fingers tracing your face gently.

Taehyung lifted your face up to his. His warm breath tickled your face. His brought his face closer to yours. 3 centimeters, 2 centimeters, 1 centimeter.....and 1 foot?

Taehyung pulled himself away, the distance rushing in between the two of your like a cold gust of wind. Your heart dropped- did he not not want to? Your mind plummeted into confusion and chaos- questions emerging to fill the space between you and Taehyung.

"Sorry," Taehyung murmured, running his beautiful slender fingers through his blue hair, "I didn't want to do that when I haven't brushed my teeth...didn't want you to kiss a dude who just drank blood." Taehyung brought up the empty blood packet that was in his other hand, giving you a sheepish smile. "Not that I didn't want to kiss you or anything..." He trailed off, turning away. There was a blush creeping up into his cheeks, his ears were burning red. You smiled.

Taehyung hopped off the bed, scrambling around and to the door. "I'll be right back."

"Going to brush your teeth?" you asked, laughing.

"Maybe," he smirked. Giving you one more look, he dashed out the room. You heard him pad over to the bathroom and a faucet being turned on. Laughing you snuggled back into the bed, waiting comfortably for him to come back.


"Hey Y/N," Taehyung murmured. He brushed your face gently with his hands. You blinked you eyes open- wondering when you had fallen asleep. Sitting up you rubbed your eyes, noticing how Taehyung's hair was wet- he smelled of fresh soap.

"Hey," you whispered, quiet due to the sleep still in your body.

"Come here," Taehyung beckoned. When your pitiful shuffling ended up getting you nowhere, Taehyung scooped you up- carrying you in a princess hold. He began making his way back out the room, making sure to close the lights and door on the way out.

"What are you doing?" you asked, craning your neck around to look at his face. You didn't really make it all the way around and ended up talking to Taehyung's jawline instead- not that you minded.

"I don't like how you're sleeping in someone else's bed," Taehyung growled softly, "If you don't want to sleep in your own bed, you might as well do it in mine." Taehyung smirked, his fang flashing in an attractive way. Oh god, do I actually have a fang fetish?

Taehyung dumped you on his bed, you laughed before quickly covering up your mouth- you didn't want to wake up the others. You snuggled into his bed, under his Tata comforter. Grabbing the Tata plushie, you brought it close to you- hugging it. The lights were soon turned off.

"I don't know if I should throw that plushie or tear it apart," Taehyung said lowly with a hint of amusement in his tone. The bed shifted as Taehyung got under the covers as well. He scooted himself closer to you. You were glad you were facing away from him- you were pretty sure that Taehyung could see your tomato red face blushing fiercely with his vampire sight if he saw your face. However your pounding heart was a lost hope- the beating rhythm picking up faster and fast as Taehyung brought himself even closer. His entire chest was against your back- he was essentially spooning you. His legs brushed against yours before resting them against yours. He draped an arm across your waist- enveloping you in a half hug.

There was thing that was keeping you from dying of embarrassment. Taehyung's heart was pounding just as loudly and fast as yours- the steady rhythm chugging on and on.

Soon his breathing slowed, his breath tickling the back of your neck. He tightened his hold on you- snuggling into you even more. You remembered how Taehyung liked to hug things when he slept and tonight you were his pillow.

A few moments later, you felt your body feel heavy- your eyelids struggling to stay open. Enveloped in a warm hug, sleep came upon you too.

chapter thirty-eight end


Summer camp is hard ;-;

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