Chapter 47

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It had been two days since you and the members streamed on vlive. Jin still kept electronics away, only allowing one phone for everyone to share. "This is the emergency phone, only used for important calls," he had instructed. Long story short, you did not know what the public's reactions were.

Earlier today however, the members had been summoned to BigHit- most likely concerning about the vlive. Thus you were alone in the house, relaxing on Taehyung's bed, waiting for them to come back. With nothing to do, you waited for what seemed like an eternity- not knowing exactly when you had drifted off to sleep.


Taehyung's POV

Taehyung had decided that being in the CEO's office once was enough, but twice in one week? That was way too much.

The office was just as spacious and luxurious Taehyung had remembered, despite seven grown men crowding inside. Also just like how he had remembered, the CEO came in late again. Taehyung had to stop himself from asking the CEO if he needed a new watch because his current one seemed to keep him from being punctually on time. Namjoon gave Taehyung a look, smiling at his thoughts. Stay out of my headspace, hyung.

"Your thoughts are really loud, I'm pretty sure anyone hear them," Namjoon whispered before turning back around, keeping his eyes trained on the CEO who had just taken a seat. Rolling his eyes, Taehyung looked at the CEO as well.

"Hello boys," the CEO began, crossing his fingers together, "I'm sure you already know why you're here today."

"Yes sir," the men replied in unison.

"Good, then we can skip that part. So Taehyung-ssi, was that live stream your idea of taking matters into your own hand?" the CEO continued, asking.

"No," Taehyung answered, "It was my girlfriend who gave us the idea. I can assure you we unanimously agreed on it, however."

"Okay then," the CEO replied, looking down at the files on his desk, "Here are the folders containing your schedules for next week. See you all next Monday. Have a good day." With a smile, the CEO handed Namjoon the folder. Namjoon accepted it with shaking and surprised hands. "However before you leave, can I talk with Taehyung one on one please?" the CEO finished, asking.

Taehyung stayed behind, watching all the members trickle out of the room- just as in shock as he was. The door shut with a click and Taehyung turned back around, meeting the CEO's eyes.

"So Taehyung-ssi, do you have any idea of how the public's reactions were to that live stream?" the CEO asked.

"No sir, I have not been on social media or internet since that night," Taehyung answered, crossing his legs. He wondered where this conversation was going.

"Well then, I can assure you it certainly sparked waves. Good and bad reactions, both negative and positive. However, I think it may have worked in your favor. Please give Miss Y/LN Y/N my apologies for my rude words last time," the CEO finished, bowing his head down. Taehyung was taken back, did my boss just lower his head down for me?

"I will," Taehyung choked out, getting up and heading back to the exit, ready to leave.

"Hold on Taehyung," the CEO stopped Taehyung, "Another thing- for you and your girlfriend actually." Taehyung turned back around, walking back- hands clenched in nervousness.

"Yes?" Taehyung asked.

"Since word has come across that Miss Y/LN Y/N has lost her job, I thought if she wanted one here- close to you. She has experience in being a manager so please ask her if she is interested in being your personal manager. Don't take it as me being generous however, I believe this position I'm offering is also beneficial to this company. Her being your manager will help quiet down the public and rumors," the CEO finished.

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