Chapter 43

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Taehyung POV

After what went down in the CEO's office, Taehyung only wanted one thing- to head home and cuddle in Y/N's arms. However, there was one colossal problem that stood in his way- traffic. 

Seoul's morning work rush was crazy, but so was the lunch hour rush. Within the past thirty minutes, they've only moved five inches- seven at most. Sighing, he tapped his fingers anxiously against his leg. 

"Hyung, I'm hungry," Jungkook whined from the driver's seat. Out of the four men, it was ironic that the youngest of them was the best at driving. Taehyung had called shotgun- squishing Namjoon and his long legs to the back along with Hoseok. 

"Aren't we all," Taehyung sighed. Taehyung felt Jungkook step on the gas, his hopes rising- will I finally get out of this place? Almost a millisecond later, such hopes were crushed and Jungkook slammed onto the brakes. They've only moved an inch. 

"You know, I don't know why you're whining," Jungkook huffed, turning to Taehyung, "I actually have an excuse- I actually have to suffer this insane traffic. You on the other hand can just teleport back home and-"

"Right," Taehyung smiled and cutting Jungkook off, sitting up straight, "Thanks man." Giving Jungkook a pat on the shoulder he popped into the shadows, disappearing. 



You ended up watching Idol Producer Season 2. It is a Chinese show but whoever added subtitles had your blessing. You cheered when Lay and The8 appeared, clapping. Jin, Suga, and Jimin had given you dirty looks but soon joined in with your cheering- becoming more focused and into the show. By the end of episode 1, everyone had established favorites and hoped they would debut. Jin started tearing up at certain spots, saying it had given him serious vibes and flashbacks to the pre-debut him. This had caused you to bring up pre-debut photos of each member, making everyone laugh hysterically- well except Suga, he groaned and cussed nonstop. You had completely forgotten the news and 'scandal'- feeling high on laughter and happiness. 

"Care to tell me what's so funny love?" Taehyung's low voice murmured into your ear. Turning around, you gave him a hug and he seated himself by you on the couch- kicking Jimin onto the floor. You gave him and apologetic look along with a few cookies before turning back to Taehyung. 

"Where are the others?" Jin asked from the recliner- continuing onto the second episode of Idol Producer 2. 

"Stuck in traffic," Taehyung replied, "I decided to take the short way home. Also, why are you guys watching this?"

"It's surprisingly addictive," Suga interjected from his spot on the floor. 

"Huh, personally I think I look better than them- right love?" Taehyung added, turning to you. 

"Uh...that's debatable," you replied, earning a look from Taehyung. "Just kidding," you finished before Taehyung started pouting. Taehyung gave you kiss before nuzzling into your neck- getting comfortable for the show. The room quieted as everyone was focused on the TV. Episodes whizzed by and track of time was lost. 


Approximately many episodes later...

"Hey guys," Namjoon sighed, trudging through the front door, through the living room, and into the kitchen. You guessed he was getting a cup of tea. Jungkook and Hoseok followed, collapsing onto the floor. 

"What's for lunch?" Jungkook asked. 

"Lunch?" Jin repeated, sitting up. A mixture of horror and realization bubbled up onto his face. "Oh no, I forgot!" he cried before dashing into the kitchen. Suga and Jimin also got up, snapping away from the TV. 

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