Chapter 36

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"Praise me," Suga smiled, appearing into the room. In his hands he held what you had assumed to be a phlebotomy machine. It was somewhat bulky in size, tubes and needles attached. On the side, the words Seoul National University Hospital was stamped.

"Hyung, you're blocking the TV," Jimin whined, stuffing his face with popcorn.

During the hour Suga was gone, doing his little hospital shopping and such, Jimin and Hoseok had finished the dishes. The rest of the remaining people had decided to finish the movie you were watching earlier with Jin. Namjoon was in charge of popping the popcorn but after burning two consecutive bags, the duty was transferred over to Jungkook.

"Why do I have to do it? Who wouldn't give me a samgyeopsal wrap earlier?" Jungkook had huffed.

"Do it or you don't eat for the rest of the week," Jin replied, crossing his arms. The argument was closed there, Jin winning by an obvious landslide. Jungkook shuffled slowly into the kitchen, the beeping and whirring of the microwave soon followed.

"Seriously? What a lukewarm welcome," Suga sighed, setting the machine down near the recliner with a thud. He motioned you to come over, kicking Namjoon out of his spot so you could sit there. "I don't know when Taehyung will wake up so it's best for us to stock up on blood," he informed you.

"Can't this wait until tomorrow?" Jin asked, scooting over to you. He handed you a bowl of popcorn and you grabbed a handful- munching on it happily.

"Drawing blood is going to take a while- might as well do it when you're watching a movie. By the time the movie is over, so will the blood drawing," Suga answered. He gently picked up one of your arms and rolled the sleeves up. After disinfecting the area near and around the crook of your elbow, Suga took out a needle that was hooked to the machine. You followed the tubing, noticing how it leads to the empty blood bag.

"Okay, relax," Suga said gently. Before you could react, Suga had already inserted the needle into your arm. "Oh! I hit the blood vessel first try!" Suga smiled.

"You're a vampire, you better know where your blood vessels are," Jungkook growled, walking into the kitchen with three bags of popcorn. He handed the bags to Jin, who then emptied it into the bowls.

"Okay, now go get some more," Jin replied, shooing Jungkook away. "Just kidding," Jin added a few moments later, his windshield wiper laugh ringing out loud after seeing Jungkook's face.

"Y/N," Suga called, bringing your attention back to him, "I'm going to need you to not move this arm around." He brought out some medical tape and strapped the needle to your arm. "It's so this doesn't shift around just in case you move. We don't want a needle and blood flying all around do we?" Suga added. After nodding your head, Suga pushed a button on the machine. The machine started whirring and soon after, blood was being drawn out. The red liquid traveled slowly down the tubing. After a few moments, the blood bag was slowly being filled.

"Popcorn dear?" Jin asked, handing you the bowl again. You decided to take it instead of grabbing a handful, setting the bowl on your lap.

"Jungkook!" Jin cried, "We need more another bowl along with some popcorn!" Jungkook's groan soon followed as he shuffled his way into the kitchen again.


"That was a good movie- oh god! Y/N! You're going to die from blood loss!" Jin cried, walking around you and the machine.

"What?" you asked, "I feel fine." You turned around and saw one full blood packet, you were currently working on your second one. It was about halfway done now. "Oh," you added quietly.

"Calm down," Suga yawned, getting up and stretching. "Ever since she and Taehyung became connected by the blood pact, her blood reproduction is much faster now. She is supposed to be Taehyung's giant bloody Capri Sun for the rest of his life, you know."

"Haha," Jin retorted. "You're sure you feel fine?" Jin asked gently to you.

"Yeah," you replied, "I don't feel sick or lightheaded. I'll finish this bag and we can move on to something else." You turned to Suga, "Two of these blood packets are enough for Taehyung right?"

"Yep," Suga answered, stifling a yawn.

"Awesome, I'll go get some snacks and we can something else to watch!" Jin smiled before dashing into the kitchen.


"You're free to go," Suga smiled, unhooking the machine from you. He sealed off the second blood packet, setting it down near the first one. Moving the machine to the far side of the room, he began cleaning it out.

"Shall we get ready for bed?" Namjoon yawned, setting down his third mug of tea. The rest of the members nodded and made their way up the stairs.

"Does this mean Y/N can head home?" Jin asked, staying behind. "I don't mind you staying in my room dear, but I just think you'd want to head home and grab some things. You can't stay in the RJ pjs forever- despite it being the most fashionable and beautiful character."

"I don't know," Suga replied, cleaning a needle, "Personally I think it's best for her to be near Taehyung when he wakes up- so he doesn't snap again like last time. Once he's fully awake I think it'll be fine for her to go back."

"Does this mean I can go grab some clothes?" you asked. "I'll still come back."

"Yeah," Suga nodded, examining the machine. After he determined it was clean, he got up and dusted his pants off. "Don't take too long."

"Awesome, but shall we do it tomorrow?" Jin yawned. You nodded. Jin gently shooed you up the stairs. He made sure you were comfy in his room before giving you wave and leaving. You yawned, noticing how tired you were- it was such an eventful day.

You smiled as you traced the RJ plushie on the bed. Soon your eyelids felt heavy, and before you knew it, sleep came upon you. 


chapter thirty-six




sorry for this short chapter- it was going to be longer cuz i was originally going to introduce a 'bad guy' but then I decided against it...what do you guys want to see? lemme know y'all

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