Chapter 44

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It had been three days since the 'scandal' broke out. Every event that occurred within those seventy-two hours seemed a little too much- everything that happened was a bit over the top for your tastes. It had been decided that you would stay with the boys (Taehyung was overjoyed- so was Suga, who was too prideful to admit it, and Jin, who said you were the only fun person to watch TV with). In return, you decided you would help the boys in in various ways around the house- from doing dishes to (attempting) cooking to cleaning. HongJoong and Mingi stopped by, offering support after you had broken the news that you were fired. They were slightly sadden that you wouldn't be their manager anymore but they hoped to be on good terms. Smiling, you had told them 'Hell yeah we better be on friendly terms!'. They left soon after, telling you that they might drop in again. That was pretty much that had happened the first day, you had been relieved- believing things would have died down. Oh how wrong were you. 

On the second day, right after breakfast, you wanted to head back home and grab some changes of clothes (though Taehyung said you would be just fine in his wardrobe). Unfortunately, the moment you popped into your house with Taehyung, you immediately noticed the group of people camped outside your house. Taking a close glance, they were relatively young women- with the occasional fanboy- in the midst. "Oh dear," you had muttered, realizing they were angry fans- really angry fans, "How did they even know where I live?" Your lawn was dug up in certain places- were those paint-balls and eggs splattered on your front porch? You turned around before you could read the signs they held.

Taehyung had muttered some inaudible words, though you guessed that they were a long string of curses. "Sasaengs...don't worry, you have me," Taehyung finished, giving you a warm smile. You calmed down and pulled out a suitcase, piling your clothes inside. Taehyung had helped- until he suddenly came out of your bathroom holding your shampoo and body wash. 

"What?" Taehyung had exclaimed, "I like the smell of your soaps." 

You rolled your eyes and smiled, "You forgot the conditioner." 

"Right," Taehyung laughed and ducked back into the bathroom. A few minutes later, you were ready to head back. Looping your arm through Taehyung, you popped back into BTS' lair. Taehyung and you had relayed the situation that occurred at your place, grim expressions appearing on the men's faces. Deciding to not dwell on anything pertaining to the 'scandal', you chilled for the rest of day- watching TV, eating, or both. 

On the third day, BigHit finally released a response to the news. Following Taehyung's exact wishes, the response confirmed such allegations- 'Kim Taehyung of BigHit Entertainment Company is indeed dating Miss Y/LN Y/N. We wish them the best.' Taehyung had rolled his eyes on the wishing part but other than that, he was in a good mood for the rest of day. The only worry was the reaction from fans, people, and others. When the news wasn't officially confirmed, the backlash was huge. You don't even know what would happen now. Being the procrastination queen you are, you decided that was another worry for another day. 

Now back to the present (it was the fourth day after the 'scandal broke out, one day after BigHit's response), you were currently relaxing on Taehyung's bed. Sitting against the wall, a pillow propped you up as you read one the mangas from Taehyung's shelves. Taehyung on the other hand was using you as a lap pillow as he played on his Nintendo Switch- his face full of concentration. Every time he cursed, you gave him a kiss- encouraging he could pass the level next time around. Whenever he did pass, he asked you to shower him with a rain of praises (and even more kisses). All in all, it was a relaxing day- so far. 

Phones, TV news, and most electronics had been banned. Jin had confiscated them, saying "These are just toxic beings just ready to explode hate on you- I'll give them back after things have died down for awhile. And yes Jungkook, switches are allowed." It was a pretty good idea proposed by Jin. Had he not taken your phone, your hand would've itched to see if there was any support for you- despite knowing all the negativity on the internet. Sighing you closed the manga- tired. Taehyung paused his game and looked at you, worried. He pulled you into a hug, knowing how you didn't want to talk about it- rocking back and forth gently. You pulled away and gave him a kiss before snuggling into him more. 

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