Chapter 42

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You woke up not to the sound of your alarm, but to the buzzing of notifications instead. Groaning you sat up, squinting at the bright sunlight streaming through your curtains and into your room. After yawning and rubbing your eyes, you picked up your phone- wondering what sorcery had caused it to be possessed by such buzzing.

There was a spam of unknown numbers texting, calling, and contacting you. Hundreds- if not thousands- of texts and missed calls filled your phone. You scrolled past those, your eyes catching missed calls from HongJoong, your boss, and Jin. Nine missed calls from Kim Seokjin. Tapping on his name, you called him back, wondering what was so urgent. Did something happen to Taehyung again?

Jin picked up not even after one ring- his voice breathless and worried. "Y/N," he began, "thank god. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, what's up?" you replied, crossing your legs- your brows furrowing downward.

"Did you happen to receive a spam of notifications this morning?" Jin asked. You gave him a 'mmhmm' and he continued. "Oh dear- you don't know don't you?"

"Know what?" Your heartbeat increased- pacing faster and faster. What was going on?

"Don't tap on anything- don't check anything. Um, just stay home- I'll come get you," Jin rushed. You heard him scrambling in the background.

A loud knock and ringing of your doorbell made you jump. Peeking out of your window, you gasped. "Jin," you called.


"I don't think you should head over. In fact I don't think you can," you replied, "There's a blockade and mob of cars out in front of my house. Wait, are those cameras and microphones?"

"Oh fuck no," Jin cursed.

"What's going on?" you asked.

"I'm going to tell Suga to get you- don't look up anything or go outside. He'll be there in a few seconds," Jin instructed before hanging up- that last thing you heard was him called Suga.


"Okay, care to tell me what the hell is going on?" you asked, crossing your arms. You noticed how the only people in the house was Jimin, Jin, and Suga- everyone else was missing.

Right after Jin hung up on you, you quickly pulled on (Taehyung's) sweater and some pants. The moment you were done putting on some socks and lacing up your shoes, Suga appeared. Without a word, he shadow-traveled you back to BTS' lair.

"Y/N dear," Jin called, whirling into the living room, "You might want to read this. I didn't want you to find out when you were alone." Jin handed his phone to you- your eyes hungrily scanning the screen and what it was pulled up on. Your heart plummeted and your blood ran cold.

The Secret Life (and Lover) of Kim Taehyung?

They say love is in the air at Han River- and that is certainly true for BTS member V, also known as Kim Taehyung.

We caught TaeTae walking, hugging, and smooching with someone- who is this mysterious woman? His girlfriend?

Well don't worry, we got a better view of these two lovebirds and we can confirm who this mysterious woman is! She is recognized to be L/YN Y/N and better yet, she is the manager of the recently debuted boy group ATEEZ. Not only does she get to interact with such handsome men daily, she has one of her own! Talk about being lucky.

Always the deliverer of your daily news, tune in for more details about Mr. Kim Taehyung and Miss L/YN Y/N!

Attached with the news article were several photos of you and Taehyung- from you holding his hand, to him hugging you, and the most occurring one- you and him kissing. Unable to bare looking at the article anymore, you handed the phone back to Jin- noticing how your hands was shaking.

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