Chapter 49

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Taehyung POV

Time flies, especially if everyday is spent with the people you love. Each second ticks away like the sand falling through the cracks of your hands- slowly but surely. Seconds melt into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into weeks, and finally weeks into years. In a blink of an eye, almost three years have flown by. Just a few days shy from three years of dating Y/N, five years since he met her. Taehyung always got sentimental when he thought about the past- especially the topic of time. Suga always told him to shut up about it, telling him not to get so cheesy. But then again, it was easy for him to say- Suga was immortal, able to live for forever. Maybe that's why he's always so cranky. 

"So Taetae," Jin called, snapping Taehyung out of his thoughts, "when are you going to get down on that one knee?" 

"Hyung..." Taehyung whined, letting his head fall back onto the couch. Ever since Taehyung and Y/N hit that two year mark of dating, Jin wouldn't stop asking the two of them to get married. Actually correction, Jin wouldn't stop asking Taehyung- especially when Y/N wasn't around, like today. She is currently in a meeting at BigHit. 

"I need to know, I want to be the coordinator and flower boy," Jin smiled. 

"How long are you going to push it back?" Namjoon asked, sipping his tea. 

"Yeah," Suga chimed, "Hurry up and get out of this house." 

"Can I turn Taehyung's room into my gaming room?" Jungkook asked. 

"Ugh, I will- just not now. Plus Y/N and I haven't even talked about getting engaged, much less getting married," Taehyung sighed. It's not that he didn't want to marry Y/N. He decided to go with the flow, take things easy- yet he already bought a ring, two years ago. The topic of marriage hasn't surfaced so far, thus Taehyung didn't see the need to propose- yet. After marriage would come kids- oh god, kids. Taehyung got giddy at the thought. He hoped they looked like Y/N- her beautiful eyes, smile, face, laugh- everything in general. 

"You've got to get married before you have kids, or vice versa. Choose one first," Namjoon commented. 

"Joon-hyung," Taehyung growled, "How many time have I told you to stay out of my fucking head?" 

"Well, I'm just a catalyst to help things along," Namjoon continued, ignoring Taehyung. 

"But jokes aside, are you seriously not proposing to her because the two of you haven't talked about it?" Jin asked. He took Taehyung's silence as a 'yes'. "Y/N probably isn't bring it up because you haven't. Be a man, take initiative Tae." 

"Be a man," Jungkook echoed, earning a glare from Taehyung. 

"Our three year anniversary is coming up- I guess I'll do it then," Taehyung said, leaning forward on his knees. 

"If you don't feel ready, you don't have to," Namjoon began, "We were just curious to how long are you going to wait." 

"Nah, I think I'll do it then. I've pushed it back long enough," Taehyung confirmed, nodding his head. Any longer and she might get snatched by someone else.

"Well, we have exactly six days to pull this off. Let's get planning!" Jin exclaimed, whipping a clipboard out of midair. He also summoned a pen and started jotting down ideas. Maybe Jin was secretly a warlock- he was certainly much better than Namjoon. 

"Hey! I heard that," Namjoon exclaimed.


Six days later...

"Oh god," Taehyung exclaimed, pacing around the room. The members were around him, watching him go back and forth, and vice versa. Jin had called in a favor from HongJoong and Mingi, asking them to keep Y/N distracted and out of the house. So far Y/N hadn't suspected anything- or so it seemed. 

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