Chapter 23

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Jin yawned as he entered the dormitory, setting his keys down by the table at the front door. From there, he walked into the living room, noticing how the members were still in the same lazy positions he saw before he left.

"Okay you little punks," Jin called as he clapped his hands together, an expression to tell the members to get their life together and of the ground in general. "Stop rotting on the floor and go to your beds if you're tired," Jin said as he moved to the couch, releasing a sigh when sitting down.

"What if I don't want to? I find the floor just fine as it is," Suga said lazily, still sprawled out on it. 

"Well, you can lay on the floor as long as you like- if, now I said IF you do the dishes for the entire week," Jin replied.

"And that's my cue to leave," Suga answered, getting up and heading to the stairs. He was then followed by the others. Jin smiled smugly- for once there was something that Suga couldn't retort back on. Though he lost someone to do the dishes for him, this feeling was definitely worth it.

Jin turned, still noticing that Namjoon hadn't left the room yet. "Yah, go get some sleep," Jin scolded.

"I will, but I feel like there's something off- I don't know how to explain it," Namjoon answered, his brows furrowing down at his concerns.

"What do you mean?" Jin asked while situating himself into a more comfortable position. This conversation was going to take awhile.

"Well first off, the vibe that Y/N gives off now is a little off, if you know what I mean," Namjoon said. His fingers tapped the couch in a steady manner. Jin could already hear the gears in Namjoon's head churning rapidly.

"We haven't seen Y/N in over two years now and with how we shipped her off last time, she's bound to treat us differently," Jin replied.

"No, that's not what I mean. Okay, I know you're not going to approve of this, but you know how Y/N walked into our waiting room last time at that broadcasting event? You remember how I said I couldn't read her mind? I know I know, not that I should be reading and snooping into other's head space but let me finish. I thought it was just me, being so shocked and surprised may have jacked up my ability," Namjoon rambled, only to be cut off by Jin.

"Don't tell me it didn't work again earlier," Jin said slowly, his face also morphing into the expression of concern Namjoon was wearing. "Is there something wrong?" Jin began asking in worry after Namjoon's silent response. "Are you sick? Is it a warlock thing?"

"No, I'm fine," Namjoon sighed, falling back into the couch. "There's nothing wrong with my abilities, I can read your thoughts perfectly fine."

Jin sat up, "Wait, have you-"

"No no no," Namjoon cut off, waving his hands frantically. "I don't have to actually read someone's mind to know that I can read them. When I look at you per say, there's like this transparent film between us that I see and go through into your head space- I'm not necessarily reading your thoughts though. But when it comes to Y/N though, there's like an iron wall between us- I can't see or go through it at all. Occasionally I can get past it but that's when it continues to go downhill. Her head space alternates from being suppressing, heavy, and foggy to being either blank and empty. Before I can register what's going on, I get pulled out and the iron wall comes slamming down again. I can see her physically just fine but..." Namjoon cut himself off, leaning forward to rest his face in his hands- sighing.

"Don't worry, I got your point," Jin said gently patting Namjoon's back. "Now, there's no use in putting together the puzzle with only a few pieces. Y/N's a nice person, I doubt she is aware of this voodoo stuff happening right now with this situation as well. Go get some rest, you need it," Jin assured.

"Thanks Jin," Namjoon replied with a weak smile. He headed towards the stairs, stopping when he noticed how Jin was still sitting at the couch. "You're not heading up?"

"I will in a bit," Jin answered while shooing Namjoon away. As Namjoon headed up the stairs, Jin sighed and rubbed his temples. He had given his number to Y/N, hopefully she'll call if needs help- right?


"Okay guys, we can do this in a orderly fashion or we can just skip breakfast all together," Jin shouted over the commotion at the dining room. The members were tangled over and under each other, their arms playing a complicated game of Twister- reaching past, over, and or around each other to get to the plate of food that seemed to be the furthest away from them. Jin was about to lose his last straw, wondering if this was really a group of men in their twenties.

"Hey Jin-hyung," Taehyung called from behind. Jin turned around and nodded at him to go on. "I'm going to head out," Taehyung finished.

"Where to?" Jin asked, trying his best to give Taehyung his full attention but currently Jungkook and Jimin were making it really hard.

"I need a breather and maybe breakfast in a not so chaotic place," Taehyung yawned, ruffling his blue hair.

"Fair enough, do you need a ride?" Jin asked, shooting Taehyung a quick glance before a loud crash made him turn away. "Okay, explain yourselves," Jin said sternly, crossing his arms at the sight before him. "Who broke the plates?"

"Jimin did," Jungkook blurted while still balling a fist of Jimin's sweatshirt.

"We all know YOU did it Jungkook," Jimin growled, returning Jungkook the favor by grabbing a fist full of his shirt.

"Okay, settle down the two of you," Namjoon scolded, coming around and trying to separate the two. He shot Jin a quick glance, immediately turning away when he saw his expression.

"Jin-hyung, I'll take my leave now," Taehyung mumbled into Jin's ear.

"Okay," Jin replied halfheartedly, his attention focused elsewhere.

"By the way," Taehyung began, "do you happen to know where my jacket is? It's a little chilly outside and I really like that one."

"Oh, I gave that one to Y/N," Jin answered without thinking, moving his focus onto Jimin and Jungkook. "Yah, the two of you- OUT! You can come back when the two of you resolve your problems and reflect on your actions."

"What?" Jungkook and Jimin whined.

"What?" Taehyung exclaimed in shock.

"What?" Jin scowled, wondering why everyone was say 'what'.

"My jacket- you did what with it?" Taehyung asked in surprise.

"What do you mean I- ohhhh," Jin trailed off, realizing what he had said. The two little rascals had him distracted, causing him to slip what shouldn't have come out. Jin made a mental note to lecture Jungkook and Jimin harshly. "Um...have a good day," Jin laughed nervously, pushing Taehyung out the house. "Here's twenty bucks, should get you a decent breakfast. Bye," Jin rambled before closing the front door loudly.

Jin waited a few moments before peeking out the windows, hoping to not see Taehyung glaring at him. He released a sigh of relief when Taehyung was nowhere to be seen, he must've already been on his way- vampire benefits of shadow-traveling. Jin ruffled his hair a few times before turning around, meeting the staring eyes of the other members. "What?" Jin asked, the previous feeling of annoyance returning.

"Nothing," Namjoon answered. "Come on, let's eat."

"I will in a bit," Jin replied before crossing his arms, "but I need to have a little chat beforehand. Jimin, Jungkook- get your butts over here now!"

It was a very chaotic morning but at least Jin found someone else to do the dishes now. 


chapter 23 end




hope y'all enjoyed- thought it would be nice to have a chapter in Jin's POV XD

see y'all next update <3

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