18 || All for you, all for her

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-Hongbin's POV-

I'm currently inside the gym I usually train with the rest of the members, but today I came alone since the company gave us this day for us; our manager says that we need to be in good shape before getting into the "Idol" kind of world, after all, the stress and pressure is going to be on us.

Sounds fun in my mind, I'd what I love.

Normally, I'll be training my upper body but I preferred to get on the treadmill and do some cardio. I'm trying to distract myself somehow, and maybe get some results out of this.

As I'm running with my earphones on, the song I'm listening to is reminding me things I really don't want to, and I don't want to remember them since they hurt me more than I thought.

"-Do you ever get tired? – Hyorin asked while looking up at me.

-Tired of what? Kissing you? Teasing you? Looking at you? – I smiled while getting close to her face playfully. – No, I never do – I chuckled.

-Yah! You are so clingy today – She complained cutely.

-Hmm, I need attention, that's all – I told before surrounding her waist with my arms, then I laid next to her on the bed.

-Why? Do you need me that much? – Hyorin questioned while playing with my hair.

-Well, after you were all day long with Ravi-hyung and Ken-hyung I think is the last thing I deserve – I murmured upset.

She looked at me surprised, but then she just giggled a tad. -Are you serious now, Hongbin? – Hyorin asked.

-Aha – I nodded.

-So, should I say that you are jealous? – She questioned while looking at me.

-If you want to – I said while looking away from her.

-I see, Lee Hongbin – Hyorin laughed. -Here, give me your hand – She said.

I rolled my eyes with a settle smile and gave her my hand, she just smiled and took it and placed it on her chest; where her heart is.

-Do you feel that? – She asked.

I nodded in response. -That's my heart beating for you, and just for you, okay? – Hyorin asked before kissing my hand, then she placed it down on the mattress.

-Hmm, I shouldn't be jealous, right? – I questioned embarrassed.

-No, no need to – She said while resting her head on mine.

-And I shouldn't doubt about what we feel, correct? – I questioned over.

Hyorin hummed in a yes before kissing my head.

-I'm sorry – I sighed.

-Is okay, I know – She spoke. -We aren't an official couple and I think that's what you don't like, but remember that I'm only yours, okay? – Hyorin questioned while playing with my hair.

-Alright, and after all of this happens will be officially together – I smiled while looking at her happily.

-I'm counting the days – She giggled."

As I started to remember my old days with Hyorin I turned off the treadmill and stopped for a second, my heart couldn't take it. I took a deep breath before I drank some water, then I looked around and luckily nobody saw me losing my mind inside my head.

-Now I'm better knowing that you are getting madder by each day too – I heard someone say from behind my back.

I turned around confused, making me realize Kun's presence. Without hesitating I got towards him and held him tightly against me; I hugged him tight and just happy to see him alive.

-Hey, save those for later, little you! – Kun chuckled while hugging me back.

-I thought something bad happened to you, I send you so many texts – I told before looking at him happily.

-I know you did, and I'm sorry for not replying but a lot has been taking place lately – Kun admitted. -Here, let's go to the changing rooms, we need to talk – He said while taking my shoulders.

He guided me to the lockers and we sat down on the bench that was there, he looked at me concerned and then he took a deep breath.

-Hyorin died, right? – I asked without hesitation.

-What!? No! Lee Hongbin! – Kun said surprised before slapping my head.

-Yah! I needed to ask, hyung – I complained while rubbing my head gently.

He sighed while rolling his eyes at me. -Anyways, Len is getting crazier by each day that passes by, and I'm starting to lose my mind with Hyorin – He admitted.

-What? Why? What is happening in there? – I asked confused.

-Well, Len got the amazing idea of having Hyorin all pretty and happy with him – Kun told.

-Are you serious? – I asked confused.

-Yes – He nodded. -And what he wants to do is to use her as bait for you to go with him; he wants to kill you with pure cold blood, and he wants to make it public – Kun continued.

-Okay, now he's nuts – I said. -He never does that, I mean, he's pretty clean with the crimes he commits – I assured.

-Well, not anymore – Kun sighed. -Hyorin seems to be very into danger, you never told me that when I first met her – He added while scratching the back of his head.

-Why do you say that, hyung? What is she doing? – I asked worriedly.

-I'll be clear – Kun spoke. -She's challenging Len every time she has a chance, and Hyorin even escaped once to go into Len's office to check if she can get any evidence – He explained.

-Yo Hyorin, what are you doing? – I sighed frustratedly.

-She's trying so hard to get you out of Len's grip, and I have to give her props since she's doing a great job at it – Kun admitted. -However, she's putting herself into a lot of danger, and the only one that can make her see that is you – Kun told while holding my shoulder.

-Me? But I haven't been close with her since weeks now, it's almost a month since we haven't spoken to each other – I claimed.

-That doesn't change anything, Hongbin – Kun said. -Listen, the distance is just that, distance. But what you two have for each other is stronger than anything else, I've seen that so far from both of you – He patted my back and looked at me.

-In that case, how should I let her know what I think about her actions? I don't know where Len is at – I said.

-I'll help you out with that, but you really need to let her know that she needs to stop, we already have enough pieces of evidence against him – Kun admitted.

-Really? – I asked surprised.

-Of course! We just need to let your brother know, and we need to take her out from there – Kun said with a settle smile.

-Haseong-hyung? Hmm, when should I contact him? – I asked thoughtfully.

-Not yet, but I'll let you know – Kun spoke. -Well, I need to pick up Hyorin, she needs to see Len in a few minutes – He said while looking at the clock hanging on the wall.

-Take care of her, and thank you for everything Kun-hyung – I said before hugging him.

-Anytime, it was nice to see you again – Kun said before ruffling my hair.

-I'm glad you are fine, hyung – I smiled at him.

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