19 || Newer plans

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-Hyorin's POV-

-There you go, the boss is waiting for you – Young Lee said before taking off the blindfold from your eyes, then Kun arrived and stood beside him.

-Do I take her? – He asked.

-Yes, the boss is in the principal living room – Young Lee told.

-Got it – Kun nodded, then he took your arm and guide you all the way towards the mansion.

For some reason, Len moved you from the messy and dusty place you were, to a beautiful and big mansion. It doesn't make sense in your book, which really makes you worry since you never thought this could've happened.

After taking a walk to the main entrance of the mansion, Kun knocked on the door which was immediately opened by two guys from Len's gang, and then both of you got inside. Kun took you immediately to the principal living room where Len is supposed to be at.

-I brought her – Kun said while he kept on holding your arm.

-Good, this is going well – Len smiled. -Well, let me explain to you what's going on; from now on you'll live here with me, of course, I won't be here as much because I'm a busy man of business. But my guys are going to be around the mansion, so if you try to escape, you'll be killed and nobody will protect your little Hongbin – Len explained while getting closer to you by each word he told.

-Understood? – He questioned seriously, he's inches away from your face.

-Yes – You said before looking away from him.

-Good – Len spoke. -Kun, take her to her room – He ordered.

-Alright – Kun said before taking your arm again, then he pulled you out of there.

Both of you climbed up the stairs from the hallway, then he guided you to a room which was on the left side of the mansion. Kun opened the door for you and then he closed the door after he got inside as well.

-There, now you can relax – Kun said while removing the chains from your wrists.

-Thank you – You said while pressing your wrist with your hand since it was hurting.

-Hyorin, we need to talk about this – Kun said while looking around the room.

-The sudden move? Yes, I think you have to tell me what's going on – You claimed.

-But if I do tell you what's going on, will you promise me to stop putting yourself in risk? – Kun questioned.

-Alright – You rolled your eyes. -Now, tell me – You spoke.

-Fine – Kun cleared out his throat. -Len's idea involves your confidence, he wants you to trust him and to see him with some sort of love or admiration. After that, he'll take information out of you and get Hongbin's location – He explained.

-That's insane, it's not going to happen – You assured.

-Hyorin, remember that Len is a professional when it's about pursuing people, he already tricked me and more others; he already tricked Hongbin – Kun highlighted concerned.

-He won't trick me, I'm sure about that – You insisted.

-Just take care. Now, I'll go to see what's going on with him – Kun said with a settle smile. -I'll see you later – He said before hugging you.

-Yes, thank you, Kun – You said while holding him tightly.

-I'm here for you, don't worry – He sighed before letting you go, then he got out of your room, and this time he didn't lock the room since you are able to be around the mansion.

There isn't an escape, anyways.

Your head started to get fogged by the memory of Hongbin, you started to think about the times he saved you, and how he used to be worried about you all the time. It isn't a secret that you miss him and that you want to be with him right now, however, you are here because of him; you want to save his life by being here as a prisoner.

While you kept on fogging your mind with memories, the door got opened and you saw Len getting inside your room.

-What are you doing here? – You asked.

-Hmm, I can be wherever I want, this is my mansion – Len smirked. -I just brought you some clothes; everything you need for a good shower. It's been a while since I let you enjoy the fresh water, get ready and let me know when you're done – He said while putting the stuff beside you on the bed.

-So considerate – You said sarcastically.

-I know, I'm always like this – He spoke. -You'll get to know me more Hyorin until you decide to tell me something about Lee Hongbin. Anyways, I'll let you relax for now – Len said before going out of the room.

Sure, get to know you; to know your annoying self.

You looked at the clothes he left there and saw that they were simple, something you would wear; Jeans, white sneakers, dark blue hoodie, and brand-new underwear.

He did think about everything, huh? Not bad, Len.

You took the clothes with you to the bathroom, then you placed them on top of the sink's bar and started to get undress. You locked the door since you don't want any surprises from Len, then you got inside the shower.

The freshwater dropping down on you, sliding slowly on top of your skin was everything for you at this moment. It's been a while since you last felt this sensation, and you could finally let your body rest with the water.

After you finished showering, you changed yourself, dried your hair, and brush it too. Then you got out of the bathroom and while looking around the room, you saw a desk with pencils and white paper.

You were attracted by it which made you go towards it faster, then you noticed that they were a lot of things for drawing.

Odd, very odd.

You sat down on the desk, you took a piece of paper and a pencil, then you began to draw. By going through your memories and the thoughts going around your head, you started to draw Hongbin just like you did in your journal.

Each line you drew was fitting perfectly with the picture of him you had in mind, and little by little everything began to get together. As you started to finish up the base of the portrait, you went ahead to do the eyes and the mouth, then you lastly drew his iconic smile.


You looked at it and smiled at yourself, while you stared at it longer, you felt how your heart started to feel hurt. Your tears didn't hesitate to go out and drop down your face, and the feeling of being alone started to get into you once again.

Crossing Paths: Blooming Days || Lee HongbinWhere stories live. Discover now