3 || To be like I want

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January 11, 2012.

-Hyorin's POV-

"Yesterday was a day full of surprises, lies and hidden secrets... not my style at all, maybe after coming here it was everything a lie but now it isn't. However today, I want everything to be perfect! I know it's a lot to ask and maybe I'm not the one that deserves a day like that but, I just want my day to be even and to have the fewer surprises I can get.

Until now I still question if this isn't a dream I'm living since everything seems so surreal to me. I work in a pretty decent place that is actually linked with another Japan industry, I also have an adorable house and amazing friends. I wonder if my illness is the end of all, who knows what it's going to happen to me. I only know that I can't stop breathing and living in this surreal world" – You wrote down on your journal.

It was already daytime and you are ready to get to work today, and just as you wrote "You want everything to be perfect" or at least a good day. Yesterday you felt really bad when you lied to Ravi since he's your best friend and you always tell him everything, but this time you thought that it was better if you kept the secret for yourself.

-Ready – You said to yourself while looking once again inside your purse.

Now you are ready to get off to work and fill up today's schedule, so you just took your purse and placed it on your shoulder when then you saw on your journal the drawing you made of that guy at the grocery store. Looking at it made you think about a lot of things again, and to be honest, you were over it already, you shouldn't even think about him since you only saw his eye and that's it. You didn't even hear him talk at all. In spite of your messy mind you went towards the door and then you got out of your department right to your work.

-Hongbin's POV-

I'm currently at the agency with the rest of the guys, we are preparing ourselves to debut as a group. Everyone is so excited to be debuting altogether after a long of being training for coming this far, however, I kind of ruined their happiness by telling them that I'm still in the trio. But honestly, I want to quit and just focus on music again.

-At least your plan will work? – Leo-hyung asked confused while stretching his arms.

-I don't know, I will have to see it by myself – I said while walking around the practice room.

-But you know there's no turn back, right? – Ken-hyung asked worriedly.

-Yes, I know – I said.

-Hey, Ravi! Hyorin's food was amazing, she should make us lunch more often – Hakyeon said while patting his stomach. Of course, he didn't want to listen to anything else about the robbery situation.

-I'll ask her, maybe she'll accept – Ravi said with a smile.

-Yah! Can you both stop? We are discussing something serious here – Ken said while looking at them a bit annoyed.

-You shouldn't be talking about this here Hyung – Hyuk said while coming inside the practice room.

-Exactly – Hakyeon-hyung said while crossing his arms.

-Hmm, maybe when we go out from the agency – Leo said while standing up from the floor.

-Yes, okay – I said as a sigh.

-Let's just start practicing for the debut stage – Hakyeon said as he started to prepare the music.

-I'll help – Ravi said as he walked behind him.

I rolled my eyes at the situation, to be honest, I thought that they were right but at the same time my life in on the edge, whatever I do however I act is going to define my deadline and I think Hakyeon-hyung don't see it that way.

While thinking about the whole situation again my phone started to ring, so I took it out and looked at the screen. I immediately paralyzed, Len was calling me and that just means that they want to meet somewhere or they want to do another takeaway.

-Hmm, guys – I said concerned while looking at the phone ringing with Len's name on it.

-What? – They said carelessly.

-Len is calling – I said worriedly while showing off my phone to them, which immediately captured their attention right away and they actually gathered up around me and they looked at me really concerned.

-Answer – Ken said as he started to back hug me.

-Oh, okay – I said a bit nervous before I answered the call. –What's up, Len? – I said while putting the phone call on speaker mode.

-Why you took so long to answer? Well... it doesn't matter. We need to meet Hongbin, I'll see you later this day at the same alley – Len said seriously.

-Is this about another attempt? – I asked.

-Yes, it is. So you better come, remember what I told you about yesterday.

-I'll be there, don't you worry – I said while looking down to the floor concerned.

-Okay, see you there – Len said while hanging up.

As soon as the call ended I was just looking down to the floor totally incapable of looking at the members eye to eye, I bet everyone is looking at me with their typical face of "what have you done?" but honestly I could care less. Ken actually was so worried that I heard him say "oh my god" a few times, I can actually tell how worried he is which I hate since I don't want him to feel bad.

-You can't go, is way too risky – Hakyeon said concerned.

-I agree, you shouldn't go – Leo added while looking at me.

-No, don't go! – Ken said while turning me around and then he started to hug me tight.

-You won't do this again, right hyung? – Hyuk asked concerned.

-Yeah, I mean you can't – Ravi added.

-I will not go, don't worry – I said as I started to pat Ken's head since he was actually tearing up.

-You won't? – Ken asked as he looked at me with watery eyes.

-No, I won't so don't worry guys – I said with a settle smile.

-You better not – Hakyeon said before he punched my shoulder, then he went right ahead to play the music.

If I don't go I know they will search for me and they'll make pay for not going, but at the same time I can just go to the police and tell them what's happening. However, I don't know if this is too precipitated, I don't know if I'll act the way I want this to end. Maybe not, maybe yes... I can't tell, I just know that I want this to stop and I just want to be me again and go back to the begging. Doing music and leaving my youth as I should, wild and free.

Crossing Paths: Blooming Days || Lee HongbinWhere stories live. Discover now