24 || Stay awake, stay with me

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-Hyorin's POV-

-What? Are you going to kill me? – You asked before chuckling a tad.

-Do you think I can't? – He questioned while looking at you.

He's nervous.

-I don't know, you love me after all, Len – You spoke while getting close to him.

-Stop! Now! – Len shouted.

-Why? – You asked. -Do you want to hurt me, right? – You asked overly.

-I-I could never – He stuttered.

-Answer me, then – You said. -Why did you lie to me? About Hongbin's feelings, about changing your ways of "controlling" your life and with your behaviour – You questioned upset.

-It's harder than you think, Hyorin – Len sighed.

-Harder? How hard can it be for someone like you? – You questioned before pulling out your gun. -I should kill you right now, I should make you pay for everything you've done to the people I love – You shouted.

-So, do it! Go ahead! I have nothing else to lose – Len shouted back. -Everything I thought I had, is gone now, and it's pointing me with a gun right now – He said before tears started to go down his cheeks.

-Don't believe him! He's just messing with your head – Hongbin said while running towards you with his gun on his hand. -Get away from him, Hyorin. I have it under control – Hongbin said while pulling you away from Len.

-You should be so fucking dead – Len said upset before putting his gun up again; he pointed at Hongbin while breathing fast.

-No! Don't do anything to him, Len – You said while pointing at Len with your gun.

-What now? Love is reunited, huh? – Len scoffed. -Nobody will love you the way I do – He stated.

-You are lying! I love her more than you and everyone else; she is my life, Hyorin helped me to be better and despite you, I did change for her – Hongbin spoke up.

Briefly, the sirens started to be heard and you knew that it was a "game over" from now on. Although you are here in this alley doing something you ever wanted, your heart isn't responding and your dizziness is getting stronger by each second.

-This is over, Len – You spoke. -You can't do anything but to pay with justice – You shed a tear.

-Yo Hyorin, did you really try to change me? – Len asked while looking at you again, without putting his gun down.

-Of course, I tried – You stuttered. -I wanted you to be a good person – You admitted.

-But you never loved me, did you never? – Len asked while tearing up.

-No, I never did – You said.

Len pointed at his head with the gun which made you feel fear in a second. -What are you doing? – You asked worriedly.

-Put that down, Len – Hongbin said while looking at him concerned.

-No, I won't – Len spoke.

He was about to pull the trigger but Haseong got there just in time and pushed Len down to the floor, making him drop his weapon. Without hesitation, you let your body fall down to the floor since you were feeling dizzy and weak.

-Hyorin! – Hongbin got towards you and started to hold you in between his arms.

-Hey, hey, open your eyes – Hongbin said while caressing your cheek.

-Don't worry about me, I just need a rest – You said with your eyes closed, then you started to breathe heavily.

-Hyo, Hyorin... stay awake, please, babe – Hongbin stuttered while holding you in between his arms.

-Is alright, I promise I will be here – You smiled weakly while holding his hair.

-You'll be with me – Hongbin said before tearing up. -Just stay awake, here with me, please – He cried.

-Yes – You nodded while trying to breathe normally.

He was tearing up until he started to look around to see what was happening, then he just wiped off his tears.

-Haseong! – Hongbin shouted.

-What's going on? – Haseong asked concerned while coming with Kun.

-I have to take Hyorin to the hospital, can you handle this without me? – Hongbin asked concerned.

-Go on, we'll be fine – Haseong said while patting Hongbin's back.

-Take care of her – Kun spoke.

-Always – Hongbin said before he carried you in between his arms.


-Hongbin's POV-

I'm here at the hospital with the rest of the members, I told them what happened and they have the same mixed feelings as I do; they are happy that everything ended but we are worried about Hyorin's health.

-So, she just fainted? – Ken asked concerned.

-Yeah, it was so suddenly – I sighed.

-I told her to come today to see the medic, but she never answered my message – Ravi told.

-I bet she didn't reply because she knew we would be against her decision on going to the mission instead of assisting to the medic – Hyuk guessed.

-It might be; I tried to keep her away from this but she's so stubborn – I complained.

-That reminds me to someone I know – Hakyeon said underneath his breath.

-Hongbin, she's a strong girl and I'm sure she's going to get through this – Ken said while patting my back.

-We'll be here for her and for you; Hyorin is going to be perfectly fine after this – Leo finally spoke after being so quiet since he arrived.

-Thank you, at least Len is under arrest – I spoke.

-He's going to stay there for a long time – Hakyeon said.

-That's what he deserves – Ravi said upset.

-I know, I'm as mad as you are with him but, he means something to Hyorin so I didn't kill him as I desired – I said resentfully.

-No, don't have does feelings, Hongbin – Hakyeon scolded.

-I know, I know but I can't help it okay – I sighed.

-Here comes the doctor – Hyuk said.

Everyone approached him with worried faces, at this point, I'm sure everyone is just wishing for good news about her condition. -How is she? – I asked worriedly.

-I want everybody to take it slow. Yo Hyorin...

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